Darul Uloom Nizamia Farangi Mahal Celebrates 78th Independence Day in Lucknow

Darul Uloom Nizamia Farangi Mahal Celebrates 78th Independence Day in Lucknow

Darul Uloom Nizamia Farangi Mahal Celebrates 78th Independence Day in Lucknow

Lucknow-based Darul Uloom Nizamia Farangi Mahal, the country’s first Islamic seminary of Sunni Muslims, celebrated the 78th Independence Day with zeal and enthusiasm. Maulana Khalid Rashid Firangi Mahali, Chairman of the Islamic Centre of India, led the flag hoisting ceremony, marking the patriotic occasion.

The flag hoisting at the seminary resonated with a shared commitment to the nation’s values and heritage, fostering a sense of national pride and cohesion among the attendees. Speaking to the public, the cleric extended his Independence Day wishes to the people of the country and underlined the importance of the date, August 15.

“Like every year, this year too we had a flag hoisting programme and after that, the children sang the National Anthem. Prayers were also offered for the progress and protection of our country. Children were also made aware of how our country became independent. How people together fought for the freedom of the country. This is the beauty of 15th August that all Indians celebrate this occasion on a large scale,” Maulana Khalid Rashid Firangi Mahali said.

After the flag hoisting ceremony, the event was kicked off by the students with the national anthem ‘Jan Gana Man’, sung by the children. Maulana further said that prayers at the seminary were also offered for the development and progress of the country.

On this day, children celebrated India’s freedom from British rule by showcasing their patriotic spirit in various ways, including through their attire. Wearing the colours of the Indian flag – saffron, white, and green, they displayed their patriotism. This day marks the anniversary of India’s freedom from nearly 200 years of British colonial rule, achieved on August 15, 1947, after a long and challenging struggle by many courageous individuals.

Doubts Revealed

Darul Uloom Nizamia Farangi Mahal -: Darul Uloom Nizamia Farangi Mahal is a famous Islamic school in Lucknow where people learn about Islam and other subjects.

Independence Day -: Independence Day is a special day on August 15 when India celebrates its freedom from British rule, which happened in 1947.

Lucknow -: Lucknow is a big city in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India, known for its rich history and culture.

Maulana Khalid Rashid Firangi Mahali -: Maulana Khalid Rashid Firangi Mahali is a respected religious leader who helps guide people in their faith and led the flag hoisting ceremony.

flag hoisting ceremony -: A flag hoisting ceremony is when people raise the national flag to show respect and celebrate important events like Independence Day.

national anthem -: The national anthem is a song that represents a country. India’s national anthem is ‘Jana Gana Mana’ and it is sung to show love for the country.

British rule -: British rule refers to the time when the British controlled India before it became an independent country in 1947.

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