Dalai Lama Arrives in New York for Knee Surgery After Stop in Zurich

Dalai Lama Arrives in New York for Knee Surgery After Stop in Zurich

Dalai Lama Arrives in New York for Knee Surgery After Stop in Zurich

The Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, arrived in New York City on Sunday after a brief stop in Zurich, Switzerland. He is in the US for knee surgery.

Warm Welcome in Zurich

During his stop in Zurich, the Dalai Lama was greeted with a traditional Tibetan welcome at his hotel. Many well-wishers and guests, including an old friend, were there to see him. Thousands of Tibetans and supporters lined the streets with bouquets, and Tibetan artists performed traditional songs and dances.

Arrival in New York

Upon his arrival in New York City, the Dalai Lama was welcomed by members of the Tibetan community and his well-wishers. The atmosphere was filled with joy and respect for the spiritual leader.

Departure from Dharamshala

Before leaving for the US, the Dalai Lama departed from Dharamshala on Friday. Leaders of the Central Tibetan Administration, including Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, Sikyong Penpa Tsering, and others, gathered at his official residence to see him off. Many Tibetans also gathered at Kangra Airport to wish him well.

Recent Meeting with US Delegation

Last week, a bipartisan US Congressional delegation led by Congressman Michael McCaul met with the Dalai Lama in Dharamshala. Former US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was part of the delegation, reaffirmed Congressional support for the people of Tibet and criticized Chinese President Xi Jinping.

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