Columbia University President Minouche Shafik Resigns Amid Controversy

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik Resigns Amid Controversy

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik Resigns Amid Controversy

New York [US], August 15: Columbia University President Minouche Shafik announced her resignation on Wednesday. The decision follows criticism over her handling of on-campus protests related to the Israel-Hamas conflict.

In an email to students and faculty, Shafik wrote, “I write with sadness to tell you that I am stepping down as president of Columbia University effective August 14, 2024. I have had the honor and privilege to lead this incredible institution, and I believe that-working together-we have made progress in a number of important areas. However, it has also been a period of turmoil where it has been difficult to overcome divergent views across our community.”

Shafik made the announcement a month before the new semester starts on September 3. She mentioned that the period had taken a considerable toll on her family and that her departure would help Columbia face future challenges. She also revealed that she has been invited to head a review of the UK’s international development approach, allowing her to return to the UK Parliament’s House of Lords.

According to Columbia’s website, Katrina Armstrong has been named as the interim president.

In April, Shafik spoke before Congress during a hearing on antisemitism on school campuses. Members of Congress, including Virginia Foxx and Burgess Owens, criticized her for reportedly condoning intolerance towards Jewish students at the university. The protests on US campuses were fueled by heightened tensions following Hamas’ attack on southern Israel and the subsequent Israeli military campaign in Gaza.

Doubts Revealed

Columbia University -: Columbia University is a famous school in New York City, USA, where many people go to learn and study.

Minouche Shafik -: Minouche Shafik is a person who was the leader of Columbia University. She decided to stop being the leader because of some problems.

Resigns -: Resigns means to stop doing a job. Minouche Shafik decided to stop being the leader of Columbia University.

Controversy -: Controversy means a big disagreement or argument. There was a big disagreement about how Minouche Shafik handled some problems at the university.

On-campus protests -: On-campus protests are when students and people at the university gather to show they are unhappy about something.

Israel-Hamas conflict -: The Israel-Hamas conflict is a fight between two groups of people from Israel and a group called Hamas. It is a very serious and complicated issue.

Toll on her family -: Toll on her family means that the problems and stress were making things hard for her family.

New leadership -: New leadership means getting a new person to be the leader of the university.

UK’s international development approach -: The UK’s international development approach is how the United Kingdom helps other countries to grow and improve.

Katrina Armstrong -: Katrina Armstrong is the person who will temporarily take over as the leader of Columbia University after Minouche Shafik leaves.

Interim president -: Interim president means a temporary leader who will be in charge until a new permanent leader is chosen.

Congress -: Congress is a group of people in the USA who make important laws and decisions for the country.

Antisemitism -: Antisemitism is when people are unfair or mean to Jewish people. Minouche Shafik was criticized for how she handled this issue at the university.

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