Chinese Government Arrests Artist Gao Zhen and Journalist Zhang Zhan

Chinese Government Arrests Artist Gao Zhen and Journalist Zhang Zhan

Chinese Government Arrests Artist Gao Zhen and Journalist Zhang Zhan

Beijing, China – The Chinese government has arrested artist Gao Zhen and journalist Zhang Zhan, according to human rights advocates. This move is seen as part of China’s ongoing crackdown on dissent.

Gao Zhen’s Arrest

Gao Zhen, a well-known sculptor, was detained on August 26 for allegedly ‘slandering Chinese heroes and martyrs.’ Over 30 police officers raided his studio, seizing artworks related to Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution. Gao’s brother, Gao Qiang, stated that the artworks were created over a decade ago, before the law against slandering heroes was enacted in 2018.

Gao Zhen had returned to China in June to visit family, despite warnings about potential security risks. His wife and children have been banned from leaving China, and his son, an American citizen, is seeking help from the US Embassy in Beijing.

Zhang Zhan’s Detention

Journalist Zhang Zhan, who was released in May after serving a four-year sentence for covering the Covid-19 outbreak in Wuhan, has been detained again. She was reportedly traveling to Gansu Province to meet the mother of an arrested activist. It is unclear whether she is in administrative or criminal detention.

Zhang had previously staged a hunger strike during her imprisonment, causing her weight to drop significantly. Since her release, she has been vocal about other detained activists and critical of Chinese policies.

Concerns and Reactions

Human rights advocates, including Ma Jian and Zhou Fengsuo, have called for the release of Gao Zhen and Zhang Zhan. Yaqiu Wang from Freedom House expressed concerns about the shrinking space for free expression in China and the potential for harsher sentences for repeat offenders.

These arrests are seen as part of a broader trend of the Chinese government taking more forceful measures to control civil society.

Doubts Revealed

Chinese Government -: The Chinese Government is the group of people who run the country of China, making laws and decisions for everyone who lives there.

Arrests -: Arrests mean that the police take someone into custody because they believe that person has broken the law.

Artist -: An artist is someone who creates art, like paintings or sculptures, to express ideas or feelings.

Journalist -: A journalist is a person who writes news stories or reports on events happening around the world.

Gao Zhen -: Gao Zhen is an artist from China who makes art that sometimes criticizes the government.

Zhang Zhan -: Zhang Zhan is a journalist from China who reports on important events, like the Covid-19 outbreak.

Human rights advocates -: Human rights advocates are people who work to make sure everyone is treated fairly and has basic rights, like freedom and safety.

Slandering -: Slandering means saying something false and harmful about someone, which can damage their reputation.

Chinese heroes and martyrs -: Chinese heroes and martyrs are people who are celebrated in China for their bravery or sacrifices, often in history or wars.

Mao Zedong -: Mao Zedong was a leader of China who helped establish the country as it is today, but his rule was also very strict.

Covid-19 outbreak -: The Covid-19 outbreak is when a new virus spread around the world, making many people sick and changing how we live.

Activist -: An activist is someone who works to bring about social or political change, often by speaking out or organizing events.

Crackdown on dissent -: A crackdown on dissent means the government is taking strong actions to stop people from disagreeing with or criticizing them.

Free expression -: Free expression is the right to say what you think and share your ideas without being punished.

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