Chinese Drones Spotted in Vietnam Amid Joint Drills with Philippines

Chinese Drones Spotted in Vietnam Amid Joint Drills with Philippines

Chinese Drones Spotted in Vietnam Amid Joint Drills with Philippines

Recently, Chinese drones were detected in Vietnamese airspace twice. Experts believe this is a response to increased collaboration between Vietnam and the Philippines. These drone sightings occurred on August 2 and August 7, coinciding with joint Coast Guard exercises between the two nations.

The drones, identified as Wing Loong-10 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), took off from China’s Hainan Island and entered Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). They flew along the coastline for approximately 800 kilometers before turning back to Phan Rang province in Vietnam.

Vu Duc Khanh, a law professor at the University of Ottawa, stated that China uses tactics to disrupt regional cooperation, which could affect its status as a regional power. Ha Hoang Hop, president of the VietKnow think tank, mentioned that the joint drills between Vietnam and the Philippines are the first in the South China Sea and show their mutual support and readiness for further cooperation.

Both countries have been vocal critics of China’s expansionist activities in the South China Sea. The recent drills highlight their efforts to promote regional peace and security. However, experts warn that Beijing could escalate its tactics amid this rising cooperation.

Previously, Vietnam filed a claim in the United Nations for an Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) in the South China Sea, following a similar move by the Philippines.

Doubts Revealed

Chinese Drones -: Drones are small, unmanned flying machines. Chinese drones mean these flying machines are made or operated by China.

Vietnam -: Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia, known for its long coastline and rich history.

Joint Drills -: Joint drills are practice exercises where two or more countries’ military or coast guard forces work together to improve their skills.

Philippines -: The Philippines is an island country in Southeast Asia, made up of more than 7,000 islands.

Airspace -: Airspace is the sky above a country, where that country controls who can fly.

Coast Guard -: The Coast Guard is a special force that protects a country’s waters and helps in rescue missions at sea.

Wing Loong-10 UAVs -: Wing Loong-10 UAVs are a type of drone made by China, used for surveillance and sometimes for attacks.

Hainan Island -: Hainan Island is a large island in the south of China, known for its beaches and tropical climate.

Exclusive Economic Zone -: An Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is a sea area where a country has special rights to use marine resources, like fish and oil.

Regional Cooperation -: Regional cooperation means countries in the same area working together for common goals, like safety or trade.

South China Sea -: The South China Sea is a large sea in Southeast Asia, important for shipping and rich in resources like fish and oil.

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