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Chinese Companies Sign MoUs with Pakistan for Major Investments

Chinese Companies Sign MoUs with Pakistan for Major Investments

Chinese Companies Sign MoUs with Pakistan for Major Investments

Chinese companies have signed multiple Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with Pakistani counterparts at a ‘Business Roundtable Conference’ held at the Pakistan Embassy in Beijing. These agreements focus on sectors like textile, technology, agriculture, and livestock.

Business Roundtable Conference

At the conference, 25 major Chinese companies expressed their interest in investing heavily in Pakistan. The sectors of interest include agriculture, automobiles, electrical alliances, pharmaceuticals, logistics, medical equipment, and technology. Federal Minister for Board of Investment, Privatisation, and Communications Abdul Aleem Khan presided over the event.

Key Speakers

Several notable figures addressed the conference, including:

  • Anna Su, Country Director of Hong Kong Business Group
  • Li Shuang, Mayor of Daming County
  • Qin Linzheng, Chief Advisor
  • Sun Deshi, Deputy Mayor
  • Li Hui, Group President of Lianghao
  • Khalil Hashmi, Ambassador of Pakistan to China

IMF Loan Approval

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved a new $7 billion loan for Pakistan. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif mentioned that the country had met all of the IMF’s conditions with help from China and Saudi Arabia. Pakistan’s external debt stands at over $130 billion, with nearly 30% owed to China. The country is due to repay almost $90 billion over the next three years.

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

In June, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Pakistan’s Prime Minister to discuss upgrading the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The Chinese embassy stated that China is ready to work with Pakistan to strengthen cooperation and support each other. They aim to develop five major corridors for growth, better life, innovation, green development, and openness.

After the visit, Prime Minister Sharif mentioned that he had asked China for a debt re-profiling to lower inflation and energy prices. However, he has not yet received a response.

Doubts Revealed

MoUs -: MoUs stands for Memorandums of Understanding. These are agreements between two or more parties to work together on certain projects or activities.

Beijing -: Beijing is the capital city of China. It is a very important city where many big decisions and meetings happen.

Federal Minister Abdul Aleem Khan -: Abdul Aleem Khan is a government official in Pakistan. He helps make important decisions for the country.

IMF -: IMF stands for International Monetary Fund. It is an organization that helps countries by giving them loans and financial advice.

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor -: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, or CPEC, is a big project where China and Pakistan are working together to build roads, railways, and other infrastructure to help both countries trade and grow.

external debt -: External debt is the money a country owes to other countries or international organizations. Pakistan owes a lot of money to China and other places.
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