Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami Meets Union Minister Nitin Gadkari to Discuss Uttarakhand Road Projects

Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami Meets Union Minister Nitin Gadkari to Discuss Uttarakhand Road Projects

Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami Meets Union Minister Nitin Gadkari to Discuss Uttarakhand Road Projects

Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Pushkar Singh Dhami, met Union Road Transport and Highways Minister, Nitin Gadkari, in New Delhi. The meeting focused on improving road connectivity in Uttarakhand.

Key Requests by Chief Minister Dhami

Dhami emphasized the importance of road infrastructure and requested notifications for six routes upgraded to National Highway status in 2016. He also proposed:

  • Notification of routes connecting Kumaon and Garhwal regions as National Highways
  • Conversion of the road from Mohkampur ROB to Ajabpur ROB into an elevated road
  • Approval for the remaining work on the ring road in Dehradun
  • Inclusion of the Dehradun-Mussoorie connectivity scheme in the ‘Vision-2047’ plan
  • Final approval for the Afzalgarh-Bhaguwala bypass proposal

Review of CM Helpline

Earlier, Dhami reviewed the CM Helpline, directing officials to resolve complaints within 15 days. He stressed the importance of regular communication with complainants and strict action against officers not logging into the portal.

Instructions for Officials

  • Prepare a roster for BDC meetings ensuring 100% attendance
  • Organize regular Tehsil Diwas to resolve public issues
  • Upload information on complaint resolutions to the CM Jan-Samarpan Tehsil Diwas portal
  • Conduct regular training for officers on the CM Helpline module
  • Review the CM Helpline-1905 monthly and upload meeting minutes

Dhami personally spoke to seven complainants, resolving issues for three and assuring the remaining four. He also launched the CM Helpline WhatsApp chatbot to raise awareness through social media.

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