CBSE Finds Major Issues in Schools in Rajasthan and Delhi

CBSE Finds Major Issues in Schools in Rajasthan and Delhi

CBSE Finds Major Issues in Schools in Rajasthan and Delhi

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) recently carried out surprise inspections in 27 schools across Rajasthan and the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi. These inspections aimed to check if the schools were following the Board’s Affiliation Bye-Laws.

During the inspections, it was discovered that many schools had enrolled students who were not actually attending, creating ‘dummy’ enrollments. Additionally, several schools were not meeting the required infrastructural standards set by the Board.

CBSE is taking these violations seriously and is in the process of issuing show-cause notices to the schools that were found to be non-compliant. Legal action is also being considered against those who broke the rules.

Doubts Revealed

CBSE -: CBSE stands for Central Board of Secondary Education. It is an organization in India that looks after the education system for many schools across the country.

Rajasthan -: Rajasthan is a state in the northwestern part of India. It is known for its deserts, palaces, and rich history.

Delhi -: Delhi is the capital city of India. It is a big city with many important government buildings and historical places.

dummy enrollments -: Dummy enrollments mean that some students are registered in the school on paper, but they do not actually attend the school. This is done to show more students than there really are.

infrastructural norms -: Infrastructural norms are the rules and standards that schools must follow for their buildings and facilities. This includes having enough classrooms, clean toilets, and safe playgrounds.

show-cause notices -: Show-cause notices are official letters sent to schools asking them to explain why they did something wrong. If they cannot give a good reason, they might face punishment.

legal action -: Legal action means taking the schools to court or using the law to make them follow the rules. This can include fines or other penalties.

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