Bomb Blasts in Borno, Nigeria: 18 Killed and 48 Injured

Bomb Blasts in Borno, Nigeria: 18 Killed and 48 Injured

Bomb Blasts in Borno, Nigeria: 18 Killed and 48 Injured

In Borno, Nigeria, bomb blasts have tragically killed 18 people and injured 48 others. The attacks happened in three different places: a wedding, a hospital, and a funeral.

Details of the Attacks

The first blast occurred at a wedding ceremony around 3 PM local time. A woman with a baby strapped to her back detonated an explosive device, causing a massive explosion. The second blast targeted General Hospital Gwoza, and the third happened at a funeral for victims of the wedding blast.

Emergency Response

Baekindo Saidu, Director General of the Borno State Emergency Management Agency, confirmed the deaths, which included children, adults, and pregnant women. The injuries ranged from abdominal ruptures to skull and limb fractures. Nineteen seriously injured people were rushed to Maiduguri, while 23 others are awaiting evacuation.


Borno has been experiencing violence for over a decade. Boko Haram, a militant group, seized Gwoza in 2014, but it was retaken by the Nigerian military with help from Chadian forces the following year.

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