Bangladesh Joins Colombo Security Conclave with India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, and Maldives

Bangladesh Joins Colombo Security Conclave with India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, and Maldives

Bangladesh Joins Colombo Security Conclave

Bangladesh was officially welcomed as the fifth member of the Colombo Security Conclave (CSC) during the 8th Deputy National Security Adviser (DNSA) level meeting hosted virtually by Mauritius. The CSC includes India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, and the Maldives. Seychelles participated as an Observer State.

Meeting Highlights

The members reviewed decisions from previous meetings and the progress of activities under the Roadmap of Activities for 2023-2024. They agreed that the 7th NSA level meeting of the CSC will be held in India later this year.


Country Representative
India Pankaj Kumar Singh, Deputy National Security Adviser (Internal Affairs)
Bangladesh Lt. Gen. Mizanur Rahman Shameem, Principal Staff Officer, Armed Forces Division, Prime Minister’s Office
Maldives Major General (Retd.) Hameed Shafeeg, Deputy National Security Adviser
Mauritius Yoidhisteer Thecka, Principal Coordinator Security Matters in Prime Minister’s Office
Sri Lanka General LHSC Silva, Chief of Defence Staff
Seychelles Lt Col Michael Hollanda, Commander of Land Force, Seychelles Defence Forces

The CSC was established in 2020 to expand maritime cooperation among India, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. Mauritius joined in March 2022.

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