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Balochistan Protests: Pakistani Forces Clash with Baloch Community

Balochistan Protests: Pakistani Forces Clash with Baloch Community

Balochistan Protests: Pakistani Forces Clash with Baloch Community

The situation in Balochistan, Pakistan, has worsened as Pakistani defence forces have violently cracked down on the Baloch community during the Baloch National Gathering. Protestors claim that the military is trying to prevent them from participating in the nationwide gathering, which aims to hold the government and defence forces accountable for their actions.

The Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) has urged international media to cover the issue, stating, “Balochistan has now become a completely war-torn region. The Pakistani state is using all its machinery and power to stop this peaceful public gathering and is committing the worst human rights violations.”

For the past 48 hours, the internet has been completely shut down in Gwadar and most parts of Makuran, while phone networks have been shut down since yesterday evening. A complete undeclared curfew has been imposed in Gwadar and nearby areas, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.

A Baloch National Gathering caravan, including thousands of people, departed from Quetta but was obstructed by the Pakistani military and Frontier Corps. The caravan reached Mastung, where the military opened fire, injuring 14 participants, three critically. The military also burst the tyres of the convoy’s vehicles and shattered their windows.

The BYC further alleged that peaceful protestors have been raided and forcibly disappeared, with false cases registered against them. They appealed to global media houses and journalists to cover the severe brutality and oppression by the Pakistani state.

Doubts Revealed

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in Pakistan. It’s known for its rich natural resources and has a history of conflict with the Pakistani government.

Pakistani defence forces -: These are the military and security forces of Pakistan. They are responsible for protecting the country but sometimes get involved in conflicts within the country.

Baloch community -: The Baloch community is a group of people who live in Balochistan. They have their own culture and language and have been seeking more rights and autonomy.

Baloch National Gathering -: This is a meeting or event where people from the Baloch community come together to discuss their issues and rights.

human rights violations -: These are actions that harm people’s basic rights and freedoms, like hurting them or not letting them speak freely.

Baloch Yakjehti Committee -: This is a group that supports the Baloch community and works to bring attention to their problems.

international media -: These are news organizations from around the world that report on events happening in different countries.

internet shutdowns -: This means turning off the internet so people can’t use it to communicate or share information.

curfews -: A curfew is a rule that people must stay indoors during certain hours, usually to keep order or for safety reasons.

mainstream media -: These are the big news companies that most people watch or read, like TV channels and newspapers.
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