Balochistan Liberation Front Attacks Pakistani Military, Claims Responsibility

Balochistan Liberation Front Attacks Pakistani Military, Claims Responsibility

Balochistan Liberation Front Attacks Pakistani Military, Claims Responsibility

The Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) has claimed responsibility for two separate attacks on Pakistani military personnel in Balochistan, resulting in five soldiers dead and four others injured.

First Attack in Awaran

On September 14, the BLF launched an assault on the Pakistani military headquarters in Awaran’s main bazaar. The attack, which lasted 20 minutes, killed four military personnel and left three others critically injured. High-ranking officers, including Brigadier Hassan Mehdi, were present during the attack.

Second Attack on Awaran-Mashkay Link Road

The second attack occurred on September 15, targeting security personnel overseeing the construction of the Awaran-Mashkay link road. One soldier was killed and another injured.

Accusations Against Brigadier Hassan Mehdi

The BLF accused Brigadier Hassan Mehdi of leading military operations that included burning civilian homes and arresting women. The group also alleged that Mehdi blackmailed civil employees to act against the Baloch national liberation movement.

Military Response

Following the attacks, the Pakistani military sealed off the area, imposed a blockade around Awaran, and restricted civilian movement. The BLF warned that anyone collaborating with the military would be treated as an enemy and reiterated its commitment to an independent Balochistan.

Doubts Revealed

Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) -: The Balochistan Liberation Front is a group that wants independence for the Balochistan region, which is part of Pakistan. They sometimes use violence to try to achieve their goals.

Pakistani military -: The Pakistani military is the armed forces of Pakistan. They protect the country and its people from threats.

Awaran -: Awaran is a district in the Balochistan region of Pakistan. It’s a place where some of these attacks happened.

Awaran-Mashkay link road -: This is a road that connects two places, Awaran and Mashkay, in the Balochistan region. The second attack happened on this road.

Brigadier Hassan Mehdi -: Brigadier Hassan Mehdi is a high-ranking officer in the Pakistani military. The BLF accused him of leading harsh military actions in Balochistan.

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