Baloch Yakjehti Committee Protests Against Pakistani State Brutalities in Gwadar

Baloch Yakjehti Committee Protests Against Pakistani State Brutalities in Gwadar

Baloch Yakjehti Committee Protests Against Pakistani State Brutalities in Gwadar

The Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) is raising its voice against the harsh measures taken by Pakistani authorities in Gwadar. The BYC alleges that the Pakistani defence forces are using extreme measures to suppress peaceful protests, including lodging false complaints and imposing curfews.

According to the BYC, the Karachi police have filed bogus complaints against Baloch protesters. They claim that two false FIRs (First Information Reports) have been lodged in Karachi and one in Khuzdar against peaceful protesters. The BYC stated, “State officials continue to lodge bogus FIRs against peaceful Baloch protesters. They have launched two FIRs just in Karachi, booking participants of peaceful protests with fabricated charges. One FIR has been registered in Khuzdar against the peaceful protesters. It is evident that the state is unwilling to ease the tensions between the Baloch masses and those in power.”

The situation has led to severe hardships for the people in Gwadar. Roads have been blocked, leading to food shortages and a complete communication blockade. The BYC highlighted, “This is a form of collective punishment against an entire nation for the crime of practising the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression. This repressive behaviour by the state indicates that they will never tolerate protests for merely human rights.”

The protests have entered their eighth day, with thousands of people participating. The BYC stated, “For the past ten days, the state of Pakistan has imposed a curfew in Gwadar and throughout Makuran by shutting down the internet and mobile networks. All roads, highways, shops, and markets have been forcibly closed, resulting in a severe shortage of food and medicine.”

The water supply in Gwadar has also been cut off, leading to a potential humanitarian crisis. The BYC expressed deep regret, stating, “We deeply regret that thousands of lives are at risk in Balochistan due to this situation, yet the world remains silent, witnessing this destruction. Your silence could lead to the loss of millions of lives. Raise your voice and help save millions of lives.”

Doubts Revealed

Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) -: The Baloch Yakjehti Committee is a group of people from the Baloch community who come together to support each other and fight for their rights.

Pakistani authorities -: Pakistani authorities are the people in charge of running the country of Pakistan, like the government and the police.

Gwadar -: Gwadar is a city in Pakistan, located near the sea. It is important because it has a big port where ships come and go.

defence forces -: Defence forces are the army, navy, and air force of a country. They protect the country from enemies and help keep peace.

curfews -: Curfews are rules that say people must stay inside their homes during certain hours, usually at night, to keep order and safety.

food shortages -: Food shortages mean there is not enough food for everyone to eat, which can make people very hungry and weak.

communication blockades -: Communication blockades happen when the government stops people from using phones, the internet, or other ways to talk to each other.

human rights violations -: Human rights violations are actions that take away people’s basic rights and freedoms, like the right to speak freely or live safely.

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