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Baloch Yakjehti Committee Continues Protests Against Pakistani Security Forces in Balochistan

Baloch Yakjehti Committee Continues Protests Against Pakistani Security Forces in Balochistan

Baloch Yakjehti Committee Continues Protests Against Pakistani Security Forces in Balochistan

The Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) is determined to continue its sit-in protests and seminars in Balochistan, Pakistan, until justice is served. They demand the release of detained activists and an end to violence by Pakistani security forces.

Protests in Turbat

On Wednesday, the BYC organized a sit-in protest in Turbat to highlight the atrocities committed by Pakistani security forces. They are committed to continuing the protest until justice is served.

Seminars on Human Rights Abuses

The BYC also held seminars focusing on the Pakistani government’s abuses toward the Baloch community. Various individuals from political, social, and literary backgrounds expressed their views on human rights abuses. The seminar concluded with a resolution to continue the sit-in protest until the rights of the Baloch people are recognized and respected.

Calls for International Attention

The BYC condemned the repressive measures and emphasized the urgent need for international attention. They called for the immediate release of detained individuals and urged Pakistan to address their legitimate demands.

Protests in Gwadar

Another seminar was organized by the BYC leader at the Gwadar sit-in hub. Prominent activists like Mahrang Baloch, Sammi Deen Baloch, Sabghatullah Baloch, and Seema Baloch addressed the seminar, discussing Pakistan’s violent behavior and human rights violations.

Previous Protests

Earlier on July 28, a peaceful protest organized by the BYC in Gwadar was met with violent repression by Pakistani security forces, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries among peaceful protesters. A few weeks ago, prominent activist Manzoor Baloch criticized Pakistani security forces for mistreating peaceful Baloch sit-in protesters.

Doubts Revealed

Baloch Yakjehti Committee -: The Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) is a group of people in Balochistan, Pakistan, who come together to support each other and fight for their rights.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a large region in Pakistan. It is known for its deserts and mountains, and many people there feel they are not treated fairly.

Pakistani security forces -: Pakistani security forces are the police and army in Pakistan. They are supposed to keep people safe, but sometimes people feel they are not fair.

sit-in protests -: Sit-in protests are when people sit down in a place and refuse to move to show they are unhappy about something. They do this to get attention and make changes.

seminars -: Seminars are meetings where people talk about important topics. In this case, they talk about human rights and how people are being treated unfairly.

human rights abuses -: Human rights abuses are when people are treated very badly and unfairly. This can include being hurt, put in jail without a good reason, or not being allowed to speak freely.

activists -: Activists are people who work hard to make changes in society. They often speak out about things they think are wrong and try to help others.

international attention -: International attention means getting people from other countries to notice and care about what is happening. This can help bring more support and pressure to make changes.

Gwadar -: Gwadar is a city in Balochistan, Pakistan. It is important because it has a big port where ships come and go, but people there also face many problems.
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