Baloch Voice for Justice Launches Campaign for Missing Diljan Baloch

Baloch Voice for Justice Launches Campaign for Missing Diljan Baloch

Baloch Voice for Justice Launches Campaign for Missing Diljan Baloch

Quetta, Pakistan – September 12, 2024: Amid ongoing enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings, Baloch Voice for Justice, a rights group advocating for Baloch people, has launched a social media campaign demanding the recovery of Diljan Baloch.

According to The Balochistan Post, Diljan Baloch allegedly disappeared from Awaran on June 12, 2024. The campaign will run on X on September 13, 2024, from 8:00 pm to midnight. Participants are encouraged to raise awareness using the hashtag #ReleaseDiljanBaloch.

Diljan Baloch, son of Allah Baksh, was reportedly detained by Pakistani armed forces in the Teertage area of Awaran on June 12. Since then, his family has had no information about his whereabouts.

In another report by Balochwarna, Farzana Rodeni, the sister of Saifullah Rodeni, a police constable from Surab, was also forcibly disappeared on November 22, 2013. She has called for the immediate recovery of her brother, who was abducted while traveling for duty from Surab to Khuzdar.

Earlier, a report by Paank highlighted 35 cases of enforced disappearances, three extrajudicial killings, and 13 instances of extrajudicial torture. The report describes a brutal pattern of violence by Pakistani armed forces, including torture and the abduction of young men, whose bodies are often discarded in public as a form of intimidation.

Farzana Rodeni also criticized the Balochistan police for their inaction regarding her brother’s case. Instead of pursuing his recovery, the police suspended him from his job and withheld his salary, further exacerbating the family’s financial difficulties.

Balochistan, a region in southwestern Pakistan, has been deeply affected by the practice of enforced disappearances. Human rights organizations and local activists report that individuals, including journalists, activists, and political dissenters, are often abducted by security forces or other actors. These abductions are used as tools of intimidation and repression, aimed at silencing dissent and stifling calls for greater autonomy or independence.

Doubts Revealed

Baloch Voice for Justice -: Baloch Voice for Justice is a group that speaks up for the rights of people in Balochistan, a region in Pakistan. They work to bring attention to issues like missing people and unfair treatment.

Diljan Baloch -: Diljan Baloch is a person from Balochistan who has gone missing. People are worried about him and want to find him.

Awaran -: Awaran is a place in Balochistan, Pakistan. It is where Diljan Baloch was last seen before he disappeared.

X -: X is a social media platform where people can share messages, photos, and videos. It is being used to spread the word about Diljan Baloch.

hashtag -: A hashtag is a word or phrase with a # symbol in front of it, used on social media to find posts about the same topic. For this campaign, they are using #ReleaseDiljanBaloch.

enforced disappearances -: Enforced disappearances happen when people are taken away secretly by the government or other groups, and their families don’t know where they are.

extrajudicial killings -: Extrajudicial killings are when people are killed without a fair trial or legal process, often by the government or other powerful groups.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in Pakistan. It has many natural resources but also faces many problems like missing people and unfair treatment.

activists -: Activists are people who work to bring about social or political change. In this case, they are trying to find missing people and get justice for them.

accountability -: Accountability means making sure that people or groups are held responsible for their actions, especially if they have done something wrong.

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