Baloch Human Rights Council Urges UN to Act on Crisis in Balochistan

Baloch Human Rights Council Urges UN to Act on Crisis in Balochistan

Baloch Human Rights Council Urges UN to Act on Crisis in Balochistan

The Baloch Human Rights Council (BHRC) has called on the United Nations to address the ongoing crisis in Pakistan’s Balochistan province. The BHRC claims that security forces are killing and abducting Baloch people. They submitted a written statement to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres through the Center for Gender Justice and Women Empowerment.

Resource Exploitation and Economic Crisis

The BHRC raised concerns about the exploitation of Balochistan’s resources by Pakistan and the increasing involvement of China. Despite its rich mineral resources, Balochistan remains underdeveloped with poor infrastructure, inadequate education, and insufficient healthcare. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has led to mass displacement and environmental degradation, offering minimal benefits to the local population.

Impact of CPEC

China’s projects in Balochistan, including a deep-sea port and an international airport in Gwadar, have turned parts of the region into restricted zones. The BHRC condemned the forced displacement of nearly a million Baloch inhabitants due to the CPEC route. They described CPEC as a ‘corridor of death and destruction’ for the Baloch people, accusing it of being a form of modern colonialism.

Call for Action

The BHRC urged the United Nations to take immediate action to stop the exploitation of Balochistan’s resources and to restore the rights and dignity of the Baloch people.

Doubts Revealed

Baloch Human Rights Council (BHRC) -: The Baloch Human Rights Council is a group that works to protect the rights of the Baloch people, who live in a region called Balochistan.

United Nations (UN) -: The United Nations is an international organization where countries come together to solve global problems like peace, security, and human rights.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a province in Pakistan. It is known for its natural resources but also for the struggles of its people.

Security forces -: Security forces are groups like the police or military that are supposed to keep a place safe, but sometimes they can be involved in bad actions like hurting people.

Abducting -: Abducting means taking someone away by force, which is like kidnapping.

Exploitation -: Exploitation means using something unfairly for your own advantage. In this case, it means taking resources from Balochistan without giving fair benefits to the local people.

Economic underdevelopment -: Economic underdevelopment means that a place is not as rich or advanced as it could be, often because it doesn’t have good jobs, schools, or healthcare.

Mass displacement -: Mass displacement means that a lot of people are forced to leave their homes, usually because of danger or lack of resources.

Intervention -: Intervention means getting involved in a situation to try to help fix it.

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