Baloch Groups Urge UN to Address Pakistan’s Religious Extremism

Baloch Groups Urge UN to Address Pakistan’s Religious Extremism

Baloch Groups Urge UN to Address Pakistan’s Religious Extremism

The Baloch Human Rights Council (BHRC) and Centre for Gender Justice and Women Empowerment (CGJWE) have written a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. They highlighted the systematic imposition of religious extremism on the Baloch community by Pakistan ahead of the 57th session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

The organizations outlined the various strategies employed by Pakistan to suppress Baloch national aspirations. They emphasized the growing threat of religious radicalization as a tool of state oppression. The letter alleges that Pakistan uses religious fundamentalism, enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, economic exploitation, and media blackouts to dilute Baloch resistance.

The statement explained how Pakistan orchestrates these acts to erase the unique Baloch identity. It mentioned that Pakistan’s methods include arrests of political workers, a ‘kill and dump’ policy, and suppression of the Balochi language and socio-cultural traditions. The statement also criticized the manipulation of Baloch history in school textbooks, portraying historical invaders as national heroes and promoting a falsified religious doctrine.

According to the organizations, many mosques and religious schools were established in Balochistan in the 1970s with state funding. These institutions have produced religious fanatics who threaten Baloch socio-cultural traditions and act as proxy death squads for the army against Baloch nationalist forces.

The groups urged the United Nations to pressure Pakistani authorities to stop introducing religious extremism into the secular Baloch society.

Doubts Revealed

Baloch Groups -: Baloch groups are organizations that represent the Baloch people, an ethnic group from the Balochistan region, which spans parts of Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan.

UN -: The UN, or United Nations, is an international organization formed in 1945 to promote peace, security, and cooperation among countries.

Religious Extremism -: Religious extremism refers to beliefs and actions that are far outside the accepted norms of a religion, often involving violence or intolerance towards others.

Baloch Human Rights Council -: The Baloch Human Rights Council is an organization that works to protect and promote the human rights of the Baloch people.

Centre for Gender Justice and Women Empowerment -: This is an organization that focuses on promoting gender equality and empowering women, ensuring they have equal rights and opportunities.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres -: Antonio Guterres is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations, the head of the UN who oversees its operations and represents it globally.

Religious Radicalization -: Religious radicalization is the process by which individuals come to adopt extreme religious views, often leading to violence or intolerance.

Enforced Disappearances -: Enforced disappearances occur when people are secretly abducted or imprisoned by the state or political organizations without legal process.

Extrajudicial Killings -: Extrajudicial killings are killings carried out by government authorities without the sanction of any judicial proceeding or legal process.

Economic Exploitation -: Economic exploitation involves taking unfair advantage of someone, often by paying them very little for their work or resources.

Media Blackouts -: Media blackouts are situations where the government restricts or stops the flow of information through media channels, preventing people from knowing what is happening.

Baloch National Aspirations -: Baloch national aspirations refer to the desires and goals of the Baloch people to have greater autonomy, rights, and recognition for their community.

UN Intervention -: UN intervention means the United Nations stepping in to help resolve a problem or conflict, often through diplomatic, humanitarian, or peacekeeping efforts.

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