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Baloch Activist Sammi Deen Baloch Stopped from Leaving Pakistan

Baloch Activist Sammi Deen Baloch Stopped from Leaving Pakistan

Baloch Activist Sammi Deen Baloch Stopped from Leaving Pakistan

Baloch activist Sammi Deen Baloch was recently added to Pakistan’s Exit Control List (ECL), preventing her from boarding a flight to Oman. This move has drawn widespread criticism from the government and human rights organizations.

Human Rights Commission of Pakistan’s Response

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) criticized the government’s action, stating that it infringes upon Baloch’s freedom of movement. HRCP also expressed concerns about the establishment of internment centres in Balochistan, which have been linked to breaches of due process and fair trial rights.

Incident at Karachi Airport

Reports indicate that Sammi Deen Baloch was detained for over three hours at Karachi Jinnah International Airport. In a video statement, she revealed, “I have been stranded here at Karachi Jinnah International Airport. I was here to catch a flight to Muscat. I have been stranded here for several hours. I was previously given a boarding pass, and then I was stopped from boarding the plane. They have still not given me a plausible reason, and have taken my passport.”

Baloch continued, “I was detained here for several hours, I was questioned and investigated and I have been sitting here in a small office for the last 3-4 hours and they have not returned my passport. I have been urging them to, at least tell me that I have been detained and stopped by the Federal Investigation Agency, Pakistan (FIA) on what accusations. I have not been issued a letter; they are just telling me that they have received a letter from the Home Minister’s office to put me on the ECL list. However, no such paper has been shown to me yet.”

Condemnation from Fellow Activists

Fellow Baloch rights activist Mahrang Baloch condemned the incident, calling it a clear attempt to suppress dissent against human rights violations in Balochistan.

Concerns Over Government’s Security Measures

The Senate’s opposition to the government’s plan to grant special powers to security forces for detaining suspected terrorists for up to three months highlights concerns that such measures may effectively legalize enforced disappearances. HRCP urged the state to reconsider its security-focused approach and engage more constructively with Baloch civil society to address the ongoing crisis in the region.

Doubts Revealed

Baloch -: Baloch refers to people from Balochistan, a region in Pakistan. They have their own culture and language.

Activist -: An activist is someone who works to bring about social or political change. They often speak out against injustices.

Exit Control List -: The Exit Control List (ECL) is a list in Pakistan that stops certain people from leaving the country. It’s like a ‘no-fly’ list.

Oman -: Oman is a country in the Middle East, near Pakistan. It’s known for its deserts and beautiful coastlines.

Human Rights Commission of Pakistan -: This is an organization in Pakistan that works to protect people’s rights and freedoms. They make sure everyone is treated fairly.

Freedom of movement -: This means the right to travel freely. If someone is stopped from traveling without a good reason, it’s a violation of this right.

Karachi airport -: Karachi airport is a big airport in Karachi, a major city in Pakistan. It’s where people catch flights to other places.

Dissent -: Dissent means to disagree, especially with the government. People who dissent often speak out against things they think are wrong.

Special powers to security forces -: This means giving more authority to police or military. It can sometimes lead to misuse of power, like arresting people without reason.

Enforced disappearances -: This is when people are secretly taken away by the government or other groups, and their families don’t know where they are.
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