Baloch Activist Sammi Deen Baloch Detained at Karachi Airport

Baloch Activist Sammi Deen Baloch Detained at Karachi Airport

Baloch Activist Sammi Deen Baloch Detained at Karachi Airport

Baloch rights activist Sammi Deen Baloch was stopped from flying abroad by immigration officials and detained for over three hours at Karachi airport on Sunday. Sammi shared her experience on social media, stating that her passport was confiscated without any formal explanation.

“Today, the immigration officials at Karachi airport stopped me from flying abroad without providing any explanation for violating my fundamental right to liberty and freedom of movement. I was detained at immigration for over three hours, and my passport was confiscated,” Sammi posted.

She added that when she protested and went live on social media, authorities returned her passport but failed to provide any documentation or reason for the travel ban. Sammi was verbally informed that immigration was acting on written orders from the government of Balochistan. She appealed to international human rights bodies to raise their voices against this violation of rights.

Prominent Baloch rights activist Mahrang Baloch also condemned the incident, calling it a blatant attempt to silence voices critical of human rights abuses in Balochistan. “I am deeply irked to learn that Karachi airport authorities barred Sammi Deen from flying out of the country despite her holding a valid visa, ticket, and all necessary travel documents. This is a clear attempt not only to deny basic human rights, including the right to movement but also to restrict information and silence voices that speak about Balochistan,” Mahrang said.

The incident highlights the ongoing efforts by Pakistani authorities to stifle activists raising awareness about the human rights violations in the conflict-ridden Balochistan region. Sammi Deen has been an outspoken advocate for the rights of Baloch people and has drawn attention to the forced disappearances and extrajudicial actions that have plagued the region for years. As of now, there has been no official comment from the Pakistani government or immigration authorities regarding the order preventing her from travelling. The incident has sparked calls from human rights organizations to investigate the growing crackdown on dissenting voices in Pakistan.

Doubts Revealed

Baloch -: Baloch refers to people from Balochistan, a region in Pakistan. They have their own culture and language.

Activist -: An activist is someone who works to bring about social or political change. They often speak out against injustices.

Sammi Deen Baloch -: Sammi Deen Baloch is a person who fights for the rights of Baloch people. She tries to make sure they are treated fairly.

Detained -: Detained means being held or kept in one place by authorities, often without being allowed to leave.

Karachi Airport -: Karachi Airport is a big airport in Karachi, a major city in Pakistan. It’s where planes take off and land.

Passport -: A passport is a small book that people use to travel to other countries. It has your photo and information about you.

Confiscated -: Confiscated means taken away by authorities, usually because they think you did something wrong or for security reasons.

Social Media -: Social media are websites and apps where people share information, photos, and videos with others. Examples include Facebook and Twitter.

Mahrang Baloch -: Mahrang Baloch is another person who fights for the rights of Baloch people. She supports Sammi Deen Baloch.

Human Rights Abuses -: Human rights abuses are actions that harm people’s basic rights and freedoms, like unfair treatment or violence.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in Pakistan where many Baloch people live. It has its own unique culture and history.

Crackdown -: A crackdown is when authorities take strong action to stop certain activities, often by using force or strict rules.

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