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Baloch Activist Mahrang Baloch Speaks Out Against State Brutalities in Balochistan

Baloch Activist Mahrang Baloch Speaks Out Against State Brutalities in Balochistan

Baloch Activist Mahrang Baloch Speaks Out Against State Brutalities in Balochistan

Baloch activist Mahrang Baloch has accused the Pakistani state of using brutal force to suppress the resistance of the Baloch nation. She highlighted that peaceful participants of the Baloch Raaji Muchi have faced severe violence, including baton charges, tear gas, and blocked highways and internet.

Despite these challenges, the Baloch community remains strong in their resistance. Mahrang Baloch stated, “On July 28, the state used its full power to stop the Baloch Raaji Muchi, martyred, injured, and arrested people. They attacked us with baton charges, tear gas was thrown, blocked highways of the entire Balochistan, and they blocked networks and the internet, but despite this, thousands of people came to Raaji Muchi and today even on the fifth day these people are still in this sit-in.”

She also made it clear that the Baloch community will not accept any compensation for the losses they suffered. “The blood of our martyrs is not so cheap. We don’t want to take compensation for the blood of our martyrs and we will not insult Baloch national martyrs by taking compensation,” she said.

Mahrang Baloch added that injured protesters will be treated with donations from the Baloch people, not state funds. She emphasized the importance of a long and patient struggle, stating, “We are sure to fight this state at every step and carry forward this struggle and victory will be ours.”

Doubts Revealed

Baloch Activist -: A Baloch activist is someone from the Baloch community who works to bring attention to issues affecting their people and fights for their rights.

Mahrang Baloch -: Mahrang Baloch is a person from the Baloch community who is speaking out against the unfair treatment of her people by the Pakistani government.

State Brutalities -: State brutalities mean harsh and violent actions taken by the government against people, often to stop them from protesting or speaking out.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in Pakistan where the Baloch people live. It has a history of conflict and struggles for more rights and independence.

Pakistani state -: The Pakistani state refers to the government and authorities of Pakistan.

Suppress -: To suppress means to stop something by using force or authority. In this case, it means stopping the protests by using violence.

Resilient -: Resilient means being strong and able to recover quickly from difficult situations. The Baloch community is staying strong despite the challenges.

Compensation -: Compensation is money or something given to make up for a loss or injury. The Baloch community does not want money for their losses; they want justice.

Resistance -: Resistance means fighting back against something that is unfair or wrong. The Baloch community is continuing to fight for their rights.

Donations -: Donations are gifts, usually of money, given by people to help others. The Baloch people are giving money to help treat injured protesters.
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