Ashwini Vaishnaw Talks About India’s New AI Mission and Its Risks

Ashwini Vaishnaw Talks About India’s New AI Mission and Its Risks

India’s New AI Mission: Opportunities and Risks


Union Minister of Electronics and IT, Ashwini Vaishnaw, spoke about the importance of controlling the unethical use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and announced the launch of India’s AI mission.

AI Mission Launch

At the Global India AI Summit 2024, Vaishnaw said, “In the coming few months, India will be launching the mission so that the power and potential of AI can be harnessed in the agriculture, education, healthcare, medicine, pharmaceuticals and all these sectors that are relevant to our society.”

Benefits and Risks

He acknowledged the benefits of AI but also warned about its risks. “With the potential of AI clearly visible in the general world along with consumption of the content world, to the industrial world and to the many other social sectors, there is a huge enthusiasm about how AI will change the way we live, the way we conduct business, and our society structure. Simultaneously, there is realisation of risk and dangers and threats to our social institution,” he said.

Misinformation Concerns

Vaishnaw mentioned the recent Lok Sabha Elections, highlighting how AI can amplify misinformation. “In the recent general elections, we have seen how disinformation, misinformation, and fake news can be a big threat. That threat gets multiplied manifold by the power of AI,” he added.

Global Impact

He emphasized that the risks of AI are a global issue. “This is not something which only we are experiencing, the entire world has experienced the same. Every society and government is feeling the same threat from the emergence of new risks based on AI,” he noted.

Global Cooperation

Vaishnaw stressed the need for global cooperation to manage AI’s impact. “As we look at the potential of AI, we also need to collectively figure out a way, and what limits we need to pose on the technology, how this can be properly integrated with our social and democratic institutions,” he highlighted.

India’s Role

He mentioned that India is chairing the Global Partnership for AI and has been working on various programs to address AI’s risks. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emphasized the need to democratize technology. The Union cabinet had approved India’s AI mission a few months back, and the ministry is working on the foundations and groundwork for setting it up.

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