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Asad Baloch Missing After Deportation from Bahrain: Crisis in Balochistan Continues

Asad Baloch Missing After Deportation from Bahrain: Crisis in Balochistan Continues

Asad Baloch Missing After Deportation from Bahrain: Crisis in Balochistan Continues

Quetta, Pakistan – Amid increasing reports of enforced disappearances in Balochistan, a young man named Asad Baloch has gone missing after being deported from Bahrain. Asad, a resident of Mand Kanik, was detained by Bahraini authorities on August 28 without any clear charges. He was flown to Karachi via the UAE on August 29, where he was allegedly abducted by Pakistani authorities upon arrival. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Asad’s family is calling for his immediate release, emphasizing that if he is suspected of any crime, he should be legally presented before a court. This incident is similar to the 2018 case of Rashid Hussain, who disappeared after being deported from the UAE to Pakistan.

The deportation of Baloch individuals from Gulf nations to Pakistan, where they are at risk, is a growing concern. In 2022, businessman Hafeez Baloch was detained by UAE security forces and deported to Pakistan, where he also went missing. He resurfaced in a Karachi jail after over five months and was later acquitted of all charges.

Reports highlight ongoing enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings in Balochistan, particularly in districts like Kech, Quetta, and Panjgur. This crisis has persisted for over twenty years, affecting students, activists, journalists, and politicians, and causing severe distress among families.

Doubts Revealed

Asad Baloch -: Asad Baloch is a young man from a place called Mand Kanik in Pakistan. He went missing after being sent back to Pakistan from another country called Bahrain.

Deportation -: Deportation means being sent back to your home country by the authorities of another country. In this case, Asad Baloch was sent back to Pakistan from Bahrain.

Bahrain -: Bahrain is a small country in the Middle East, near Saudi Arabia. It is known for its rich culture and oil resources.

Karachi -: Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan. It is a major port city and an important financial center.

UAE -: UAE stands for the United Arab Emirates, a country in the Middle East known for its modern cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Abducted -: Abducted means being taken away by force. In this case, it is said that Pakistani authorities took Asad Baloch away when he arrived in Karachi.

Enforced disappearances -: Enforced disappearances happen when people are secretly taken away by authorities or groups, and their whereabouts are kept hidden. This causes a lot of worry and sadness for their families.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in Pakistan. It has been facing many problems, including people going missing, which makes life very difficult for the people living there.
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