Amnesty International Calls for Release of Uyghur Activist Ilham Tohti

Amnesty International Calls for Release of Uyghur Activist Ilham Tohti

Amnesty International Calls for Release of Uyghur Activist Ilham Tohti

An international human rights group has urged Chinese authorities to release Ilham Tohti, a well-known Uyghur activist and intellectual. Tohti has been imprisoned for ten years for promoting understanding and dialogue between Uyghurs and Han Chinese.

Amnesty International stated that Tohti was sentenced to life in prison on September 23, 2014, on unfounded charges of ‘separatism.’ His trial lacked fairness and transparency. During his imprisonment, Tohti has reportedly faced torture, including shackling, solitary confinement, and denial of medical care and food.

Amnesty International emphasized that Tohti’s case is part of a larger crackdown on Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other ethnic groups in China. The organization praised Tohti’s efforts for peaceful coexistence and called his imprisonment a severe violation of human rights. They believe his release would be a significant step towards justice and human rights in China.

Doubts Revealed

Amnesty International -: Amnesty International is a global organization that works to protect human rights. They speak out against unfair treatment and help people who are in trouble because of their beliefs or actions.

Uyghur -: Uyghurs are a group of people who mostly live in the Xinjiang region of China. They have their own language and culture, which is different from the majority Han Chinese.

Ilham Tohti -: Ilham Tohti is a Uyghur professor and activist who has been jailed in China. He wanted to create better understanding and peace between Uyghurs and Han Chinese.

Han Chinese -: Han Chinese are the largest ethnic group in China. They make up about 90% of the population and have different customs and language compared to Uyghurs.

Separatism -: Separatism means wanting to break away from a country to form a new one. Ilham Tohti was accused of this, but he says he just wanted better treatment for Uyghurs.

Human rights -: Human rights are basic rights and freedoms that all people should have. This includes things like being treated fairly, having a safe place to live, and being able to speak freely.

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