Altaf Hussain Criticizes Pakistani Military Rule and Urges Citizens to Protest

Altaf Hussain Criticizes Pakistani Military Rule and Urges Citizens to Protest

Altaf Hussain Criticizes Pakistani Military Rule and Urges Citizens to Protest

London [UK], September 16: During the 113th intellectual session on social media, Altaf Hussain, the leader of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), strongly criticized the Pakistani establishment. He accused the military of turning Pakistan into an ‘occupied territory’ without officially declaring martial law.

According to Hussain, 250 million Pakistanis are now ‘slaves’ under the military’s control, which operates with martial law-like measures. He claimed that political allies like Shahbaz Sharif and the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) support this unconstitutional control over the country’s systems.

Hussain also expressed concern over proposed constitutional amendments, especially those affecting the judiciary. He criticized changes that would allow the Prime Minister to appoint the Chief Justice from a pool of judges, undermining merit and seniority.

He described these amendments as part of a grand plan by the military to consolidate control over the judiciary, calling them ‘Genghisian, Pharaonic, Nimrodian, and Shadadian.’ He claimed these changes are dictatorial and designed to keep an ‘illegitimate’ government in power.

Hussain accused the army and intelligence agencies of using coercive tactics, including allegedly abducting the families of politicians who oppose the amendments. He condemned these actions as undemocratic and tyrannical.

Addressing the people of Pakistan, Hussain urged them to rise peacefully in protest and fight for their freedom. ‘Not only is Pakistan occupied, but you too have become slaves. The need of the hour is to come out for your freedom instead of keeping silent,’ he said.

The address comes amid growing political tension in Pakistan, with debates over constitutional amendments and the military’s role in governance polarizing the political landscape.

Doubts Revealed

Altaf Hussain -: Altaf Hussain is a political leader from Pakistan. He is the head of a political party called the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM). He often speaks out against the government and military.

Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) -: The Muttahida Qaumi Movement, or MQM, is a political party in Pakistan. It mainly represents the Urdu-speaking community in the country. The party is known for its strong stance on various political issues.

Pakistani military -: The Pakistani military is the armed forces of Pakistan. It includes the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Sometimes, the military has a lot of influence over the country’s government.

martial law -: Martial law is when the military takes control of the government. It usually happens during emergencies or conflicts. Under martial law, normal laws and rights can be suspended.

constitutional amendments -: Constitutional amendments are changes made to a country’s constitution. The constitution is a set of rules that guides how the country is run. Amendments can change important laws and rights.

judiciary -: The judiciary is the system of courts in a country. Judges and courts make decisions about laws and justice. They help ensure that everyone follows the rules.

coercive tactics -: Coercive tactics are methods used to force people to do something against their will. This can include threats, pressure, or even violence. It’s a way to control people without their consent.

illegitimate -: Illegitimate means not lawful or not recognized as proper. When someone calls a government illegitimate, they mean it doesn’t have the right to rule. It suggests that the government is not following the rules or laws.

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