Air Pollution in Pakistan: Life Expectancy Impacted, Peshawar Most Affected

Air Pollution in Pakistan: Life Expectancy Impacted, Peshawar Most Affected

Air Pollution in Pakistan: Life Expectancy Impacted, Peshawar Most Affected

In addition to socio-political, economic, and security concerns, people in Pakistan face threats from climate-related issues, including air pollution. A yearly assessment by the Energy Policy Institute (EPIC) at the University of Chicago reveals that Pakistan’s citizens’ life expectancy is severely impacted by increasing air pollution.

The study claims that Pakistanis are subjected to particulate pollution levels that are 22.3% greater than those at the beginning of the century. If Pakistan reaches its own PM2.5 level, people’s life expectancy might increase by 2.3 years, as almost all of its population breathes air that isn’t up to the 15 ug/m3 norm.

According to the AQLI 2024 annual update, the PM2.5 concentration in Pakistan was 38.9 ug/m3 in 2022, which is 10% lower compared to 2021. Meeting the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline could add 3.3 years to the average resident’s life. Those in Peshawar, the most polluted city in the country, could gain 5.6 years.

The number of vehicles in Pakistan has increased by about four times since the early 2000s, and the use of fossil fuels for electricity generation has also significantly risen, contributing to air pollution. Swiss air quality technology company IQAir currently ranks Karachi as the third city with the worst air quality index in the world. Various parts of Pakistan face severe smog amid worsening pollution levels, with AQI ratings as high as 151-200 considered unhealthy, 201-300 more harmful, and over 300 extremely hazardous.

Doubts Revealed

Air Pollution -: Air pollution is when harmful substances like smoke, dust, and chemicals get into the air, making it dirty and unsafe to breathe.

Life Expectancy -: Life expectancy is the average number of years a person is expected to live. It can be affected by factors like health, environment, and lifestyle.

Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago -: This is a research center at a university in the USA that studies energy policies and their impact on the environment and society.

Particulate Pollution -: Particulate pollution refers to tiny particles in the air, like dust and smoke, that can harm our lungs when we breathe them in.

World Health Organization (WHO) -: The WHO is a global organization that works to improve health and well-being around the world. They set guidelines for things like air quality to help keep people healthy.

Peshawar -: Peshawar is a city in Pakistan. According to the report, it has the highest levels of air pollution in the country.

Karachi -: Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan. The report says it is one of the worst cities in the world for air quality.

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