Air Marshal Ashutosh Dixit Takes Over Central Air Command

Air Marshal Ashutosh Dixit Takes Over Central Air Command

Air Marshal Ashutosh Dixit Takes Over Central Air Command

New Delhi [India], August 31: Ace fighter pilot Air Marshal Ashutosh Dixit is set to become the new head of the Indian Air Force’s Central Air Command in Prayagraj starting September 1. He will be succeeding Air Marshal RGK Kapoor, who retired today.

Commissioned into the fighter stream of the Indian Air Force on December 6, 1986, Air Marshal Dixit is an Experimental Test Pilot and a Qualified Flying Instructor with over 3,300 hours of flying experience on various aircraft in the IAF inventory. He is an alumnus of the National Defence Academy, Defence Services Staff College (Bangladesh), and National Defence College.

Dixit has been actively involved in operations and exercises such as Op Safed Sagar during the Kargil War and Op-Bakshak. As a Commanding Officer, he re-equipped one of the IAF Squadrons with the advanced Mirage-2000 fighter aircraft and later commanded a front-line fighter air base in the Western Sector and a premier fighter training base in the Southern Sector.

He has held several key positions, including Air Defence Commander of Southern Air Command, Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Projects), and Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (Plans) at Air Headquarters. As the Deputy Chief of Air Staff, Dixit played a crucial role in promoting the Aatmanirbharta (self-reliance) initiative of the defense forces. During his tenure, significant progress was made in indigenous aircraft projects like the LCA Mark-1A, Mark-2, and AMCA.

Air Marshal Dixit has led numerous projects focusing on future technologies, ensuring the IAF’s modernization while maintaining a strong emphasis on self-reliance.

Doubts Revealed

Air Marshal -: An Air Marshal is a very high-ranking officer in the Indian Air Force, similar to a general in the army.

Central Air Command -: The Central Air Command is a major part of the Indian Air Force that looks after the air defense of central India.

Indian Air Force -: The Indian Air Force (IAF) is the air arm of the Indian military, responsible for protecting Indian airspace and conducting aerial warfare.

Kargil War -: The Kargil War was a conflict between India and Pakistan in 1999, fought in the Kargil district of Jammu and Kashmir.

indigenous aircraft projects -: These are projects to develop and build aircraft within India, without relying on other countries.

self-reliance in defense technologies -: This means developing and producing defense equipment and technologies within India, so the country doesn’t have to depend on other nations for its defense needs.

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