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Activists Mehmood Kashmiri and Sajid Hussain Speak Out Against Human Rights Violations in Pakistan-Occupied Regions

Activists Mehmood Kashmiri and Sajid Hussain Speak Out Against Human Rights Violations in Pakistan-Occupied Regions

Activists Speak Out Against Human Rights Violations in Pakistan-Occupied Regions

Geneva, Switzerland – September 27

During the 57th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), activists Mehmood Kashmiri and Sajid Hussain raised serious concerns about human rights violations in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) and Gilgit Baltistan (PoGB).

Key Issues Highlighted

Sajid Hussain emphasized the need for the UNHRC to follow up on reports from 2018 and 2019 by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. These reports highlighted issues such as excessive use of force, arbitrary detention, and severe restrictions on freedoms of expression and association in PoJK and PoGB.

Hussain pointed out the deteriorating situation in Rawalakot, PoJK, where Islamic radical forces are issuing fatwas against activists. These decrees lead to harassment, physical violence, and threats to life, particularly for those challenging the status quo.

Specific Cases of Persecution

Hussain mentioned the case of Asma Batool from Hajira, PoJK, who faced severe problems after her poem caught the attention of extremist groups. She was arrested under blasphemy charges, putting her life in danger. Similarly, Arsalan from Arja, Bagh, was arrested and detained, with their families facing harassment and life threats.

Hussain claimed that pro-government clerics target human rights defenders by issuing fatwas declaring their activities as anti-Islamic. He called for urgent international intervention to protect human rights in the region.

Mehmood Kashmiri’s Concerns

Mehmood Kashmiri also raised concerns about grave human rights violations in PoJK. He highlighted the suffering of the native population caught between extremist forces exploiting religion for proxy wars and political gains. Kashmiri mentioned a recent fatwa inciting violence against secular nationalist leaders and rights activists.

He claimed that masked armed extremists openly operate in cities, indicating a deliberate state attempt to suppress nationalist movements under the guise of religious extremism. Kashmiri urged Western countries to ban such extremist clerics from entering their territories.

Doubts Revealed

Activists -: Activists are people who work to bring about social or political change. They often speak out against injustices and try to make the world a better place.

Mehmood Kashmiri -: Mehmood Kashmiri is a person who is working to bring attention to problems in certain areas. He wants to help people who are being treated unfairly.

Sajid Hussain -: Sajid Hussain is another person who is trying to help people who are facing problems. He speaks out about unfair treatment in certain regions.

Human Rights Violations -: Human rights violations are actions that go against the basic rights and freedoms that every person should have. This can include things like unfair treatment, violence, and not allowing people to speak freely.

Pakistan-Occupied Regions -: These are areas that are controlled by Pakistan but are also claimed by other countries, like India. There are often disagreements and conflicts over these regions.

57th Regular Session -: This is a meeting that happens regularly where people from different countries come together to talk about important issues. The 57th session means it is the 57th time this meeting has happened.

United Nations Human Rights Council -: The United Nations Human Rights Council is a group of countries that work together to protect human rights around the world. They meet to discuss and find solutions to human rights problems.

Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) -: This is a region that both India and Pakistan claim as their own. It is currently controlled by Pakistan, and there are many issues and conflicts there.

Gilgit Baltistan (PoGB) -: Gilgit Baltistan is another region controlled by Pakistan. Like PoJK, it has many problems and conflicts, and people there often face unfair treatment.

Excessive force -: Excessive force means using too much physical power or violence, especially by police or military, which can hurt people unnecessarily.

Arbitrary detention -: Arbitrary detention means putting people in jail without a good reason or without following the law. It is unfair and against human rights.

Restrictions on freedoms -: This means not allowing people to do things they should be able to do, like speaking freely, moving around, or practicing their religion.

Persecution -: Persecution is treating someone very badly because of their race, religion, or beliefs. It is unfair and harmful.

Asma Batool and Arsalan -: Asma Batool and Arsalan are specific people who have been treated very unfairly. Their cases were mentioned to show how serious the problems are.

International intervention -: International intervention means getting help from other countries or global organizations to solve serious problems. It is like asking for help from friends when things are really bad.
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