Activists Arif Ajakia and Sammi Deen Baloch Speak Out Against Human Rights Violations in Balochistan

Activists Arif Ajakia and Sammi Deen Baloch Speak Out Against Human Rights Violations in Balochistan

Activists Arif Ajakia and Sammi Deen Baloch Speak Out Against Human Rights Violations in Balochistan

Geneva [Switzerland], September 27: Activists and human rights defenders are raising alarms over the worsening human rights situation in Balochistan, where Pakistan is accused of severe abuses against the Baloch community.

Arif Ajakia’s Condemnation

Human rights activist Arif Ajakia condemned Pakistan for its brutal actions in Balochistan during a virtual message at the 57th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva. Ajakia stated, “The military establishment appoints its favourite people to the Balochistan Parliament, especially in government, to violate the fundamental human rights of Baloch people. In the name of security, the Pakistan military carries out a massive military operation in the Balochistan region.”

He further emphasized that Pakistan, despite being a member of the UNHRC, fails to ensure basic human rights for the Baloch community. “Pakistan is a member state of the Human Rights Council, but it leaves no stone unturned to violate the rules and morals for which this August Council stands for,” Ajakia added.

Sammi Deen Baloch’s Plea

Baloch rights activist Sammi Deen Baloch also voiced her concerns during the session. She shared her personal story, stating, “It has been 15 years since my father, D Mohamed Baloch, was forcibly disappeared by Pakistani forces. I was just a child when he disappeared.”

Sammi Deen Baloch highlighted the plight of thousands of Baloch families who have suffered similar fates. “Thousands of our loved ones have been abducted, tortured, and silenced. Fathers, sons, and even children have disappeared, leaving their families broken and living in fear,” she said.

She also noted the severe repercussions for those who demand rights and justice in Pakistan. “Raising a voice for rights and justice has been considered a crime in Pakistan, and the person who dares to speak for justice will have to face severe challenges and state atrocities,” she claimed.

Sammi Deen Baloch concluded by urging the international community to hold Pakistan accountable and help bring back the disappeared loved ones. “We need the international community to pay attention, to hold Pakistan accountable, and to help bring back our loved ones. We cannot do this alone,” she pleaded.

Doubts Revealed

Activists -: Activists are people who work to bring about social or political change. They often speak out against injustices and try to make the world a better place.

Arif Ajakia -: Arif Ajakia is a person who speaks out against human rights violations. He is an activist who wants to help people in Balochistan.

Sammi Deen Baloch -: Sammi Deen Baloch is another activist. She talks about the problems her family and other families in Balochistan face.

Human Rights Violations -: Human rights violations are actions that harm people’s basic rights, like the right to live safely and freely. These can include unfair treatment, violence, and other bad things.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in Pakistan. Some people there feel they are not treated fairly by the government.

Pakistan -: Pakistan is a country in South Asia. It is where Balochistan is located.

57th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council -: This is a meeting where countries talk about human rights issues. The United Nations Human Rights Council is a group that works to protect people’s rights around the world.

Geneva -: Geneva is a city in Switzerland. Many important international meetings, like the United Nations Human Rights Council, happen there.

Military operations -: Military operations are actions taken by a country’s army. In this case, it means the actions Pakistan’s army is taking in Balochistan.

Political manipulations -: Political manipulations are actions taken to unfairly control or influence politics. This can mean making decisions that are not fair to everyone.

Disappearance -: Disappearance means someone goes missing and nobody knows where they are. Sammi Deen Baloch’s father disappeared, which means he went missing and they don’t know what happened to him.

International intervention -: International intervention means other countries or international groups get involved to help solve a problem. The activists want other countries to help hold Pakistan accountable for its actions.

Accountable -: Accountable means being responsible for something. The activists want Pakistan to be responsible for the human rights violations in Balochistan.

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