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Abu Dhabi Launches Initiatives to Save Electricity and Water for a Greener Future

Abu Dhabi Launches Initiatives to Save Electricity and Water for a Greener Future

Abu Dhabi Launches Initiatives to Save Electricity and Water for a Greener Future

The Abu Dhabi Department of Energy (DoE) has started several initiatives to help people use less electricity and water. These programs are part of Abu Dhabi’s plan to reach the UAE’s 2050 net zero goals. The DoE believes that teaching people, especially kids, about saving energy and water is very important for a sustainable future.

Goals and Strategies

The Abu Dhabi Demand Side Management and Energy Rationalisation Strategy 2030 aims to cut electricity use by 22% and water use by 32% by 2030. Different programs are managed by various groups and overseen by the DoE. One key program is the Behavioural Change programme, which helps people learn how to save energy and water.

Educational Initiatives

Ahmed Juma Al Falasi, Acting Executive Director of Energy Efficiency Sector at DoE, said, “Our new initiatives aim to educate and empower individuals, creating a society that is highly aware of the importance of rationalising electricity and water consumption and how to conserve them.”

In collaboration with the Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK), the Children’s Kit initiative provided nearly 2,000 students in Abu Dhabi schools with efficiency kits. These kits, designed for kids aged 6 to 9 and 10 to 13, include guides on sustainable living and tools like water-efficient showerheads and solar-powered chargers.

Interactive Learning

The DoE also launched a fun learning tool called “EnergiX,” which can be downloaded on Apple and Android devices. This game teaches kids and their parents about saving energy and water through fun gameplay. By playing the game, kids learn valuable lessons on how to conserve resources in an enjoyable way.

Doubts Revealed

Abu Dhabi -: Abu Dhabi is the capital city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a country in the Middle East. It is known for its modern buildings and rich culture.

Department of Energy (DoE) -: The Department of Energy (DoE) is a government organization in Abu Dhabi that looks after energy resources like electricity and water, making sure they are used wisely.

Initiatives -: Initiatives are new plans or actions taken to solve a problem or improve a situation. In this case, they are plans to save electricity and water.

22% reduction in electricity -: This means using 22% less electricity than before. For example, if you used 100 units of electricity, you would now use only 78 units.

32% reduction in water -: This means using 32% less water than before. For example, if you used 100 liters of water, you would now use only 68 liters.

2030 -: 2030 is a year in the future, 7 years from now. It is the target year by which Abu Dhabi wants to achieve these reductions.

Educational programs -: These are special lessons or activities designed to teach people, especially kids, about important topics like saving electricity and water.

Children’s Kit initiative -: This is a special set of tools or materials given to children to help them learn about saving electricity and water in a fun way.

EnergiX gamified learning tool -: EnergiX is a fun game that helps kids learn about saving energy and water. ‘Gamified’ means it uses game-like elements to make learning enjoyable.

Ahmed Juma Al Falasi -: Ahmed Juma Al Falasi is a person who is likely a leader or official in Abu Dhabi, talking about the importance of teaching kids to care for the environment.

Sustainability -: Sustainability means using resources like water and electricity in a way that does not harm the environment and can be continued for a long time.

Environmental awareness -: Environmental awareness means understanding how our actions affect the environment and knowing how to protect it.
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