Pakistani Private Schools Oppose New Tax, Threaten Protests

Pakistani Private Schools Oppose New Tax, Threaten Protests

Pakistani Private Schools Oppose New Tax, Threaten Protests

Private educational institutions across Pakistan are strongly opposing the government’s proposed point-of-sales tax on private schools charging monthly fees of over 1,000 Pakistani rupees. The schools have threatened nationwide protests if the tax is implemented.

Dr. Malik Abrar Hussain, the Central President of the All Pakistan Private Schools and Colleges Association, warned that implementing such a tax would make education unaffordable for the common people. He pointed out that a 25% tax would lead to a substantial increase in fees, raising the cost of a school currently charging 4,000 rupees to 5,000 rupees, which would be a burden on parents.

“This move contradicts the government’s ‘Education for All’ slogan and undermines efforts to address the educational crisis,” he said.

The Central Executive Committee of the All Pakistan Private Schools and Colleges Association has decided to reject any form of taxation on education. The meeting, held at the association’s central office, also addressed concerns regarding the recent FSC results from the Federal Board of Islamabad. The association plans to escalate these concerns to the higher authorities and devise a strategy to resolve the issue.

The committee also discussed the standing of educational establishments in Islamabad’s sectoral area, especially in the context of the Pakistan High Court’s decision on non-conforming use. The association committed to devising an action plan in coordination with the Capital Development Authority (CDA) once the court’s ruling is finalised.

The Association reaffirmed its dedication to addressing the challenges faced by private educational institutions nationwide and fostering public-private partnerships in the education sector.

Doubts Revealed

Pakistani Private Schools -: These are schools in Pakistan that are not run by the government but by private individuals or organizations. They usually charge fees for students to attend.

Tax -: A tax is money that people or businesses have to pay to the government. The government uses this money to provide services like roads, schools, and hospitals.

Protests -: Protests are actions taken by people to show that they are against something. This can include marches, rallies, or other activities to express their disagreement.

Rupees -: Rupees are the currency used in Pakistan, just like how we use Indian Rupees in India.

Dr. Malik Abrar Hussain -: He is the President of the All Pakistan Private Schools and Colleges Association, which is a group that represents private schools and colleges in Pakistan.

All Pakistan Private Schools and Colleges Association -: This is a group that represents the interests of private schools and colleges in Pakistan. They work to make sure these schools are treated fairly.

25% tax -: This means that for every 100 rupees a school earns, they would have to give 25 rupees to the government as tax.

Education for All -: This is a slogan or goal that means everyone should have access to education, no matter how much money they have.

Capital Development Authority -: This is a government organization in Pakistan that is responsible for planning and development in the capital city, Islamabad.

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