Russia Expels Six British Diplomats Over Espionage Allegations

Russia Expels Six British Diplomats Over Espionage Allegations

Russia Expels Six British Diplomats Over Espionage Allegations

Moscow, Russia – On September 13, Russia announced the expulsion of six British diplomats, accusing them of espionage and sabotage activities. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) stated that the decision was in response to ‘numerous unfriendly steps taken by London.’ The diplomats were reportedly sent by the British Foreign Office’s directorate responsible for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The FSB claimed that since the invasion of Ukraine, the British directorate has become a special service aimed at inflicting strategic defeat on Russia. The expelled diplomats were accused of engaging in activities that threatened Russia’s security, with signs of spying and sabotage detected in their work.

The British Foreign Office dismissed these allegations as baseless, confirming that the diplomats had already left Russia in late August. A statement from the British Foreign Office said, ‘The Russian authorities revoked the diplomatic accreditation of six UK diplomats in Russia last month, following action taken by the UK government in response to Russian state-directed activity across Europe and in the UK. We are unapologetic about protecting our national interests.’

Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova, spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, supported the FSB’s decision, stating that the diplomats were involved in ‘subversive work aimed at harming’ Russian people. The Russian Foreign Ministry also warned of similar measures against other British diplomats if they engage in similar activities.

This expulsion comes ahead of a bilateral meeting between British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and United States President Joe Biden at the White House on September 13. The leaders are expected to discuss a range of global issues, including continued support for Ukraine in its defense against Russian aggression.

Doubts Revealed

expels -: Expels means to force someone to leave a place. In this case, Russia is making the British diplomats leave the country.

diplomats -: Diplomats are people who represent their country in another country. They work to keep good relationships between the two countries.

espionage -: Espionage is another word for spying. It means secretly collecting information about another country.

sabotage -: Sabotage means deliberately damaging or destroying something. It is done to cause problems or stop something from working properly.

Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) -: The FSB is a security organization in Russia. It is like the police but focuses on protecting the country from threats like spies and terrorists.

British Foreign Office -: The British Foreign Office is a part of the UK government. It handles the country’s relationships with other countries.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer -: Keir Starmer is the leader of the United Kingdom. He is the head of the government and makes important decisions for the country.

U.S. President Joe Biden -: Joe Biden is the President of the United States. He is the leader of the country and makes important decisions for the USA.

Ukraine -: Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It has been in the news a lot because of conflicts with Russia.

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