Badrinath Highway Blocked Again in Chamoli Due to Landslides

Badrinath Highway Blocked Again in Chamoli Due to Landslides

Badrinath Highway Blocked Again in Chamoli Due to Landslides

The Badrinath National Highway in Chamoli, Uttarakhand, has been blocked at several points due to landslides, disrupting traffic. The Chamoli Police reported the blockage at Kameda, Nandprayag, and Chhinka, though the road at Chhinka has since been reopened. This follows a recent reopening after similar disruptions.

The region is prone to landslides, and ongoing rains have worsened the situation. Precautionary measures are being taken to relocate affected families, and a technical team is surveying the area for further action.

Doubts Revealed

Badrinath Highway -: The Badrinath Highway is a road that leads to the town of Badrinath, which is a famous pilgrimage site in the Indian state of Uttarakhand.

Chamoli -: Chamoli is a district in the state of Uttarakhand, India. It is known for its beautiful mountains and is a popular place for tourists and pilgrims.

Landslides -: Landslides happen when rocks, soil, and other debris move down a slope. They can block roads and cause damage, especially in hilly areas like Chamoli.

Chamoli Police -: The Chamoli Police are the law enforcement officers responsible for maintaining order and safety in the Chamoli district.

Kameda, Nandprayag, and Chhinka -: These are specific locations in the Chamoli district where the landslides have blocked the Badrinath Highway.

Reopened -: Reopened means that the road, which was previously blocked, has been cleared and is now open for traffic again.

Prone -: Prone means likely to experience something. In this case, it means the region often has landslides.

Precautionary measures -: Precautionary measures are actions taken to prevent harm or danger. Here, it means moving families to safer places to protect them from landslides.

Technical team -: A technical team is a group of experts who are checking the area to understand the situation better and decide what to do next.

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