Petition Filed in Supreme Court to Stop Arms Exports to Israel During Conflict

Petition Filed in Supreme Court to Stop Arms Exports to Israel During Conflict

Petition Filed in Supreme Court to Stop Arms Exports to Israel During Conflict

A petition has been filed in the Supreme Court of India seeking direction to the Centre to cancel any existing licenses and halt the grant of new licenses for the export of arms and other military equipment to Israel during the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Companies Involved

The petition names several companies, including a public sector enterprise under the Ministry of Defence, M/s Munitions India Limited, and private companies such as M/s Premier Explosive and Adani Defence and Aerospace Ltd.


The petition was filed by 11 people, including Ashok Kumar Sharma, a retired civil servant and social activist.

Legal Arguments

The plea, filed through advocate Prashant Bhushan, argues that granting licenses for the export of arms to Israel violates India’s obligations under international law and Articles 14 and 21 read with 51(C) of the Constitution of India.

Call for Action

The petition urges India to ensure that weapons already delivered to Israel are not used to commit genocide or violate international humanitarian law. It calls for the immediate suspension of military aid to Israel to prevent potential violations of the Genocide Convention and other international laws.

Doubts Revealed

Petition -: A petition is a formal request made to a court or government asking for a specific action or decision.

Supreme Court -: The Supreme Court is the highest court in India. It makes the final decisions on important legal matters.

Arms Exports -: Arms exports mean selling or sending weapons and military equipment from one country to another.

Israel -: Israel is a country in the Middle East. It has been in conflict with Palestine for many years.

Conflict -: A conflict is a serious disagreement or fight, often lasting a long time. In this case, it refers to the ongoing issues between Israel and Palestine.

International Law -: International law is a set of rules agreed upon by countries to help manage their relationships and ensure peace and fairness.

Constitutional Obligations -: Constitutional obligations are duties that the government must follow according to the country’s constitution, which is the highest law in India.

Humanitarian Law -: Humanitarian law is a set of rules that protect people during wars and conflicts, ensuring they are treated humanely.

Ashok Kumar Sharma -: Ashok Kumar Sharma is one of the 11 people who filed the petition in the Supreme Court.

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