COP29 to Launch Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform at High-Level Dialogue

COP29 to Launch Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform at High-Level Dialogue

COP29 to Launch Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform at High-Level Dialogue

Dubai [UAE], September 1: The COP29 Presidency will officially launch a flagship initiative, the Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform (BTP), during the High-Level Dialogue (HLD) in September. The HLD aims to sustain momentum for increased transparency action in the lead-up to COP29.

Focus of the High-Level Dialogue

This High-Level Dialogue will focus on building confidence among Parties, raising political awareness about the importance of universal participation in the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.

Objectives of the Baku Global Climate Transparency Platform

The main objective of the BTP is to enhance confidence and support Parties in preparing and finalising their Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs), as well as implementing the ETF beyond 2024. This includes supporting the capacity-building efforts of developing country Parties.

The BTP will complement existing transparency platforms, including the #Together4Transparency initiative, aligning with and enhancing the existing transparency ecosystem.

Statements from Mukhtar Babayev

”Our goal is to unite stakeholders committed to support developing country Parties in the preparation and submission of BTRs, promote collaboration and knowledge exchange amongst all Parties on the full spectrum of the ETF, and better mobilise capacity-building resources where they are needed. By doing so, we can help to ensure the effective implementation of the ETF and the success of the Paris Agreement,” said Mukhtar Babayev, COP29 President-Designate and Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Republic of Azerbaijan.

”We are also keen to better understand how the BTP can support and meet the needs of Parties most effectively. I cordially invite you to participate in the HLD, share your feedback and contribute to further development cycles of the BTP as we mark this pivotal step towards enhancing global climate transparency together. I also encourage you to participate in our online survey by 30th September, so the COP29 Presidency can better understand the progress made on BTRs and how we can best support you.”

Encouraging Inclusive Participation

The COP29 Presidency encourages all Parties to involve civil society, Indigenous Peoples, women, youth, and other key stakeholders in the transparency process. ”It is only by working in an inclusive manner that we can strengthen the trust and accountability required to raise our mutual ambition on climate action, achieve our collective climate goals and create a sustainable future for all,” Babayev added.

Doubts Revealed

COP29 -: COP29 stands for the 29th Conference of the Parties. It’s a big meeting where countries come together to talk about how to fight climate change.

Baku -: Baku is the capital city of Azerbaijan, a country located at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia.

Global Climate Transparency Platform -: This is a new system to help countries share information about their efforts to fight climate change. It makes sure everyone is honest and open about what they are doing.

High-Level Dialogue (HLD) -: This is a special meeting where important people discuss big issues, like climate change, to find solutions.

Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) -: This is a set of rules that helps countries report their climate actions clearly and accurately. It makes sure everyone knows what each country is doing to help the planet.

Mukhtar Babayev -: Mukhtar Babayev is the person in charge of COP29. He helps organize the meeting and makes sure everything runs smoothly.

Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) -: These are reports that countries have to submit every two years. They show what each country is doing to fight climate change and how well they are doing it.

capacity-building -: This means helping people and countries get better at doing something. In this case, it means helping countries improve their ability to fight climate change.

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