Prime Minister Narendra Modi Approves Clean Plant Programme to Boost India’s Horticulture

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Approves Clean Plant Programme to Boost India’s Horticulture

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Approves Clean Plant Programme to Boost India’s Horticulture

The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has approved the Clean Plant Programme (CPP) proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. This initiative, with an investment of Rs.1,765.67 crore, aims to revolutionize the horticulture sector in India.

Key Benefits of the Clean Plant Programme

The CPP will provide virus-free, high-quality planting material, leading to increased crop yields and improved income opportunities for farmers. Streamlined certification processes and infrastructure support will help nurseries propagate clean planting material efficiently.

Consumers will benefit from superior produce that is free from viruses, enhancing the taste, appearance, and nutritional value of fruits. By producing higher-quality, disease-free fruits, India will strengthen its position as a leading global exporter, expanding market opportunities and increasing its share in the international fruit trade.

Inclusivity and Sustainability

The programme will prioritize affordable access to clean plant material for all farmers, regardless of their landholding size or socioeconomic status. It will actively engage women farmers in its planning and implementation, ensuring their access to resources, training, and decision-making opportunities.

The CPP will address diverse agro-climatic conditions across India by developing region-specific clean plant varieties and technologies. It aligns with Mission LiFE and the One Health initiatives, promoting sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices and reducing dependence on imported planting materials.

This programme will be implemented by the National Horticulture Board in association with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR).

Doubts Revealed

Prime Minister Narendra Modi -: He is the current leader of India, like the head of the country, who makes important decisions.

Union Cabinet -: This is a group of top leaders in the Indian government who help the Prime Minister make big decisions.

Clean Plant Programme (CPP) -: This is a new plan to help farmers grow better fruit crops by using healthy, virus-free plants.

Rs.1,765.67 crore -: This is a large amount of money, about 17.65 billion rupees, which will be used to support the new plan.

virus-free, high-quality planting material -: These are healthy plants that do not have any diseases, which helps them grow better and produce more fruits.

National Horticulture Board -: This is an organization in India that helps farmers grow fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

Indian Council of Agricultural Research -: This is a big group in India that studies farming and helps improve it by finding new and better ways to grow crops.

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