Israel Plans for Food Security Until 2050

Israel Plans for Food Security Until 2050

Israel Plans for Food Security Until 2050

Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security has announced the beginning of a national plan to ensure the supply of raw food to its citizens for the next 25 years. This plan is the result of two years of complex preparatory work.

Teams Involved

Seven teams will work on the plan, each focusing on different aspects:

  • Local Agriculture Team
  • Import Team
  • Food Industry Team
  • Food Basket Team
  • Consumption Habits Team
  • R&D and Innovation Team
  • Food Loss Team
  • Personal Food Security Team

Doubts Revealed

Israel -: Israel is a country in the Middle East, located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.

Food Security -: Food security means having reliable access to enough nutritious food to stay healthy and active.

Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security -: This is a part of the government in Israel that focuses on farming and making sure people have enough food.

National plan -: A national plan is a big plan made by the government to solve important problems for the whole country.

Government ministries -: These are different parts of the government that focus on specific areas like health, education, or farming.

Local agriculture -: Local agriculture means growing food and raising animals for food in the nearby area or country.

Imports -: Imports are goods brought into a country from other countries.

Food industry -: The food industry includes all the businesses that produce, process, and sell food.

Consumption habits -: Consumption habits are the ways people eat and use food.

R&D -: R&D stands for Research and Development, which means studying and creating new ideas and products.

Food loss -: Food loss is when food that could be eaten is wasted or spoiled before it reaches people.

Personal food security -: Personal food security means making sure each person has enough food to eat.

Preparatory work -: Preparatory work is the planning and organizing done before starting a big project.

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