Heavy Rains in Lahore Break 44-Year Record, Cause Flooding and Casualties

Heavy Rains in Lahore Break 44-Year Record, Cause Flooding and Casualties

Heavy Rains in Lahore Break 44-Year Record

On August 2, Lahore experienced record-breaking rainfall, the heaviest in 44 years, within just three hours. This led to severe flooding, causing the deaths of four people and injuring seven others. The rain also disrupted daily life, with power outages affecting the city and flights between Lahore and Karachi facing delays.

Impact on Hospitals and Transportation

The heavy rains caused significant damage to hospitals, including the Services Hospital, General Hospital, and Mayo Hospital, where rainwater entered emergency departments and other wards, destroying medicines and equipment. Several vehicles broke down in the flooded streets, adding to the chaos.

Casualties and Damage

In Lahore, a minor died due to a house collapse, and three others were electrocuted. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, two people were killed in Upper Chitral and Abbottabad districts due to flash floods. Relief activities are ongoing in Sorech village, which was affected by a glacial lake outburst, leaving 60 families homeless.

Weather Forecast

The Pakistan Meteorological Department has warned that the heavy rains may continue until August 6, with some breaks in between. Lahore is expected to experience above-normal rainfall for the first two weeks of August. There is also a risk of the Chenab river swelling up, potentially leading to a flood situation.

Doubts Revealed

Lahore -: Lahore is a big city in Pakistan, which is a country next to India.

44-Year Record -: This means that it has rained more now than it has in the last 44 years.

Flooding -: Flooding happens when there is too much water, and it covers the land and streets.

Power Outages -: Power outages mean that the electricity goes off, so lights and fans stop working.

Casualties -: Casualties are people who get hurt or die because of an accident or disaster.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa -: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is another area in Pakistan, known for its mountains.

Flash Floods -: Flash floods are sudden and very fast floods that happen quickly after heavy rain.

Relief Efforts -: Relief efforts are actions taken to help people who are in trouble because of a disaster.

Pakistan Meteorological Department -: This is the organization in Pakistan that studies the weather and gives warnings about it.

Chenab River -: The Chenab River is a big river that flows through India and Pakistan.

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