Mahrang Baloch Praises Brave Baloch People at Gwadar Protest

Mahrang Baloch Praises Brave Baloch People at Gwadar Protest

Mahrang Baloch Praises Brave Baloch People at Gwadar Protest

Thousands of Baloch people gathered near Gwadar port city for the Baloch National Gathering. Mahrang Baloch, leader of the Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC), praised their bravery and vowed to continue the sit-in until the release of arrested participants.

In a post on X, Mahrang Baloch said, “My brave, determined and intelligent Balochs, first of all, I wholeheartedly salute your courage, bravery, discipline, courage and consciousness. Today, you people have given a message not only to the state of Pakistan but to the whole world that the state’s guns and power are a pile of dust in front of the people. Today, your bravery and courage have buried the pride of this state.”

Pakistani security forces attacked the sit-in protest in front of the University of Balochistan, abducting 12 women and more than 50 men from the Baloch National Gathering, according to BYC.

Mahrang Baloch further said, “The sit-in will continue until all our convoys reach Gwadar safely and the release of all our arrested participants. For this, we are ready to bear all kinds of pain and make sacrifices. I request all those people, associations, political organizations and parties who are morally supporting Baloch Raji Machi to prove their support in practice now.”

She emphasized the spirit of victory seen in the people, which she believes is enough to defeat the tyrants and oppressors. “Today we have seen a public sea on the beach of Padzir Gwadar, with excitement and passion in its eyes. They are innocent and peaceful but more powerful than the atomic bomb of this state. And today, we have seen the spirit of victory in the eyes of this people and this spirit is enough to defeat the tyrants, oppressors and murderers,” she said.

Remarking on the morale and spirit of the Baloch people, Mahrang Baloch added, “Baloch Raj Machi is currently going on in the form of sit-in in Padzir Gwadar and there are thousands of armed state forces on one side and peaceful Baloch people on the other side. And in front of the gunmen, the morale and spirit of the Baloch people is as high as Mount Batil.”

She urged the people to reach Gwadar, saying, “I have come to give you this short message to reach Gwadar in maximum numbers. National and human rights can be achieved only through a grand struggle of people’s resistance. Gwadar is our land, we have the right to hold a national assembly on every part of our land, no power in the world can take away this right from us.”

The Baloch community has endured profound suffering from severe human rights abuses, including enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, torture, arbitrary detentions, and suppression of free speech.

Doubts Revealed

Mahrang Baloch -: Mahrang Baloch is a leader of the Baloch Yakjehti Committee, which is a group that works for the rights of Baloch people.

Baloch people -: Baloch people are an ethnic group from the Balochistan region, which is divided among Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan.

Gwadar port city -: Gwadar is a port city in Pakistan, located on the southwestern coast. It is important for trade and has a big port where ships come and go.

Baloch National Gathering -: The Baloch National Gathering is a big meeting where Baloch people come together to talk about their rights and issues.

Baloch Yakjehti Committee -: The Baloch Yakjehti Committee is a group that works to unite Baloch people and fight for their rights.

sit-in -: A sit-in is a form of protest where people sit down in a place and refuse to leave until their demands are met.

Pakistani security forces -: Pakistani security forces are the police and military in Pakistan who are responsible for maintaining law and order.

abducting -: Abducting means taking someone away by force, often against their will.

national and human rights -: National and human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that every person should have, like the right to speak freely and live safely.

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