Baloch Protests in Pakistan: Injuries and Tensions Rise

Baloch Protests in Pakistan: Injuries and Tensions Rise

Baloch Protests in Pakistan: Injuries and Tensions Rise

In Balochistan, Pakistan, at least 14 Baloch protestors were injured during a march to Gwadar when security forces fired at their convoy in Mastung. The Baloch Yakhjeti Committee (BYC) reported that several of its members are in critical condition.

Details of the Incident

According to the BYC, Abdul Mutalib Baloch was shot in the head and is in critical condition in the ICU. Another protestor, Naseer Ahmed, was shot and killed by the army at the Talar checkpoint. His body is at Turbat Civil Hospital.

Human Rights Concerns

The Human Rights Committee of Pakistan (HRCP) expressed deep concern over the violence and called on the government to respect the Baloch people’s right to protest. The HRCP urged the federal and provincial governments to engage in dialogue with Baloch representatives.

Government Response

The Balochistan government denied issuing orders to fire on the protestors and stated that they are open to negotiations. Shahid Rind, a spokesperson for the government, emphasized the right to peaceful protest.

Ongoing Protests

Despite the violence, the BYC reported that convoys from various regions are continuing their march to Gwadar. A sit-in protest is ongoing in Mastung against the alleged state brutality.

Security Measures

A Baloch activist reported that Marine Drive in Gwadar is blocked by security forces, with patrols and army personnel in civilian clothing present throughout the city. The BYC remains determined, stating, “Our struggle is for our survival, they cannot break our resolve.”

Doubts Revealed

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a province in Pakistan. It is known for its rich natural resources and has a history of political and social unrest.

Gwadar -: Gwadar is a port city in Balochistan, Pakistan. It is important because it is part of a big project called the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Mastung -: Mastung is a district in Balochistan, Pakistan. It is one of the places where the protestors were marching through.

Baloch Yakhjeti Committee -: The Baloch Yakhjeti Committee is a group that represents the interests of the Baloch people. They report on issues and organize protests.

Human Rights Committee of Pakistan -: The Human Rights Committee of Pakistan is a group that works to protect people’s rights in Pakistan. They make sure everyone is treated fairly and can protest peacefully.

right to peaceful protest -: The right to peaceful protest means people can gather and express their opinions without violence. It is an important part of democracy.

Balochistan government -: The Balochistan government is the local government that runs the province of Balochistan. They make decisions and laws for the area.

negotiations -: Negotiations are talks between different groups to solve a problem. In this case, the government wants to talk to the protestors to find a peaceful solution.

sit-ins -: Sit-ins are a form of protest where people sit in a place and refuse to move. It is a way to show they are unhappy with something.

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