Delhi High Court Transfers Faizan’s Murder Case to CBI for Further Investigation

Delhi High Court Transfers Faizan’s Murder Case to CBI for Further Investigation

Delhi High Court Transfers Faizan’s Murder Case to CBI for Further Investigation

On Tuesday, the Delhi High Court decided to transfer the investigation of the murder of 23-year-old Faizan during the North East Delhi riots of 2020 to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Faizan, along with four others, was allegedly beaten by police officers and forced to sing the national anthem. He was kept at Jyoti Nagar police station and died after being released from custody.

The High Court criticized the investigation by the Delhi Police, calling it ‘tardy, sketchy, and conveniently sparing of the persons who are suspected to be involved in brutally assaulting the petitioner’s son.’ The court noted that the suspects, who were supposed to uphold the law, seemed to have been driven by biased mindsets.

Faizan’s mother, Kismatun, claimed that her son died due to the unlawful use of force by the Delhi Police. Justice Anup Jairam Bhambhani highlighted various anomalies in the investigation and stated that the situation did not inspire confidence. The court observed that the police had not recorded any independent statements about Faizan’s medical condition while in detention.

The High Court pointed out that sophisticated forensic tests on the police officers involved were conducted too late. The court also noted the existence of video footage showing Faizan and other young men being beaten by policemen. Despite this, none of the policemen involved have been conclusively identified.

The court allowed the petition to transfer the case from the Delhi Police’s Crime Branch to the CBI to ensure a credible investigation. The CBI has been directed to take over all records and evidence within 14 days and to assign the case to an appropriate officer for further investigation.

Doubts Revealed

Delhi High Court -: The Delhi High Court is a big court in Delhi, India, where important legal cases are decided.

CBI -: CBI stands for Central Bureau of Investigation. It is a special police force in India that investigates serious crimes.

North East Delhi riots -: The North East Delhi riots happened in 2020, where there was a lot of fighting and violence in a part of Delhi.

police brutality -: Police brutality means when police officers use too much force or violence against people.

biased -: Biased means unfairly favoring one side over another. In this case, it means the investigation was not fair.

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