Israel’s 2023 Health Survey: Vaccinations and Cancer Screenings

Israel’s 2023 Health Survey: Vaccinations and Cancer Screenings

Israel’s 2023 Health Survey: Vaccinations and Cancer Screenings

Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics has shared data from the 2023 Social Survey on Preventive Medicine, focusing on immunizations and early detection of malignant diseases.

Vaccinations for Children

According to the survey, 90% of parents of children aged 0-17 have vaccinated their children with all routine vaccines. However, 6.1% of parents do not vaccinate their children regularly or at all.

Health Screenings for Adults

The survey also highlights various health screenings among adults:

  • 43% of people aged 50 and over had tests in the last year to detect blood in the stool, colon cancer, and other intestinal problems.
  • 47% of those aged 40 and over have had a colonoscopy to detect cancer in the colon and rectum, with 35% having been tested in the last five years.
  • 77% of women aged 50-76 had a mammography in the last two years to detect breast cancer.
  • 59% of women aged 25-57 had a Pap smear in the last three years to check for cervical cancer.

Doubts Revealed

Israel -: Israel is a country in the Middle East, located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.

Central Bureau of Statistics -: The Central Bureau of Statistics is an organization in Israel that collects and analyzes data about the country and its people.

Social Survey -: A Social Survey is a study that collects information from people to understand their behaviors, opinions, and other social factors.

Preventive Medicine -: Preventive Medicine is a type of healthcare that focuses on preventing diseases rather than treating them after they occur.

Vaccinations -: Vaccinations are injections that help protect people from getting certain diseases by making their immune system stronger.

Cancer Screenings -: Cancer Screenings are medical tests that check for signs of cancer before a person has any symptoms.

Colonoscopies -: A Colonoscopy is a medical test where doctors look inside the colon (part of the large intestine) to check for any problems.

Mammograms -: A Mammogram is an X-ray picture of the breast used to check for breast cancer.

Pap smears -: A Pap smear is a medical test where cells from a woman’s cervix are collected to check for cervical cancer.

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