Traders in Gilgit City Protest Against High Taxes and Lack of Support

Traders in Gilgit City Protest Against High Taxes and Lack of Support

Traders in Gilgit City Protest Against High Taxes and Lack of Support

In Gilgit City, part of Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan (PoGB), top members of trader associations recently held a press conference at the Gilgit Press Club. They spoke out against several issues hindering the growth of the business sector in PoGB.

The traders, who rely on China-Pakistan trade, complained that the Federal Board of Revenue of Pakistan (FBR) has not made adequate policies regarding trade. They stated that they are being heavily taxed, making it difficult for their businesses to survive. The traders demanded a 20% exemption in sales tax, income tax, and land route valuation, calling it a viable and well-deserved demand.

One trader said, “We will not compromise at these conditions, we have the pieces of evidence and required documents and will not refrain from reaching the court. According to the rules, we are not liable to pay income and sales taxes and we will not pay it anymore. As per the agreement between China and Pakistan, the barter of goods with goods is not taxable. And no taxes should be levied on small amounts of goods.”

The association members also complained that PoGB has reached a point where neither new industries can enter nor can existing ones survive. This situation will have adverse effects on the area’s future. A top member of the business association said, “We have raised these issues repeatedly, and we are going to raise them again. But the complaints bring us no relief. We have knowledgeable and educated people here in PoGB but no industries can survive here. Where will we employ our people’s potential and solve the problems of unemployment?”

The associations blamed the government for their miseries.

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