Taiwan Coast Guard Shadows Chinese Vessels Near Kinmen County

Taiwan Coast Guard Shadows Chinese Vessels Near Kinmen County

Taiwan Coast Guard Shadows Chinese Vessels Near Kinmen County

On July 12, Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration (CGA) monitored four China Coast Guard vessels that entered Taiwan-controlled waters around Kinmen County. The Chinese vessels approached from different points and intruded into restricted waters at 7 am. Taiwan’s CGA sent four ships to shadow the intruders and broadcast warnings. The Chinese ships left at 9 am but re-entered at 10 am, prompting Taiwan’s CGA to dispatch vessels again. The Chinese vessels finally left between 12 pm and 1 pm.

The CGA stated that these actions undermine maritime safety and do not help cross-strait exchanges. The CGA will continue to uphold Taiwan’s rights in the sea. Kinmen County is close to China’s Xiamen, leading to overlapping territorial waters. Taiwan has designated restricted waters around the Kinmen Islands extending 1,500 to 10,000 meters from the shore.

In June, Taiwan’s CGA also monitored four Chinese vessels in restricted waters off the Kinmen Islands. The CGA dispatched patrol boats to watch the Chinese vessels until they left. The CGA stressed that the actions of the Chinese Coast Guard do not maintain ties between Kinmen and Xiamen or advance regional stability. However, the China Coast Guard claimed its actions were legal.

Since February 14, when a Chinese speedboat capsized near Kinmen after colliding with a Taiwan CGA vessel, China has frequently sent coast guard vessels into Taiwan-controlled waters, asserting its right to patrol the area.

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