People in Gilgit-Baltistan Unhappy with New Budget

People in Gilgit-Baltistan Unhappy with New Budget

People in Gilgit-Baltistan Unhappy with New Budget

Residents of Pakistan-occupied Gilgit-Baltistan (PoGB) are expressing their dissatisfaction with the recent government budget. They believe the budgetary allocations are inadequate and ineffective.

Local Concerns

A local resident mentioned in the assembly that while the measures are said to benefit the people, the reality is different. They face electricity shortages, increased petrol prices, and rising market costs.

Another resident pointed out that the budget seems to benefit only government employees. He said, “There’s nothing for labourers like me who earn Rs. 1500 per day. This amount barely covers our household expenses, and if there’s no work, there’s no income at all.” He added that priority should be given to providing jobs for ordinary citizens and regulating shopkeepers to control prices.

IMF Influence

Some individuals argued that the government is favoring the International Monetary Fund (IMF) over its own people. Pakistan’s inflation is rising due to conditions imposed by the IMF, which include decreasing government spending, eliminating subsidies, increasing taxes, and devaluing the currency. While these actions aim to stabilize the economy and foster long-term growth, they have led to immediate consequences like heightened inflation rates.

Educational Deficiencies

Many citizens were unaware of the budget, reflecting deficiencies in education levels in Gilgit-Baltistan. The educational system in PoGB often falls short due to a scarcity of schools, insufficient resources, and a lack of qualified teachers. These shortcomings impact academic achievements and hinder personal development and socio-economic progress.

The lack of awareness and education serves the interests of those in power, obstructs effective participation in democratic processes, undermines community development efforts, and perpetuates socio-economic inequalities.

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