Team Sea Sakthi from India Shines at Monaco Energy Boat Challenge

Team Sea Sakthi from India Shines at Monaco Energy Boat Challenge

Team Sea Sakthi from India Shines at Monaco Energy Boat Challenge

Team Sea Sakthi from India received a standing ovation from the international jury at the 11th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge (MEBC) in Monte Carlo. The team presented their boat, Yali 3.0, and successfully passed technical inspections and sea trials.

Support from Monaco’s Ambassador

Monaco’s Ambassador to India, Gamerdinger Didier, cheered on Team India. He praised the young minds from India for their competitive spirit and technological innovations.

Insights from Sumeet Anand

Sumeet Anand, founder of Insight Growth Partners, highlighted the importance of the event and the energy of the young Indian students. He noted Monaco’s focus on energy and environmental conservation, led by Prince Albert II.

Event Highlights

The MEBC featured 450 engineering students from 40 universities across 25 nations. Teams participated in sea trials and showcased their innovative boats. Notable participants included El-ISEO from the Ferretti Group and boats designed by Vita and Evoy, selected for the Paris 2024 sailing events.

Team Sea Sakthi from Kumaraguru College of Technology is the sole Indian team to qualify for the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge for the third consecutive year.

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