UKPNP Chairman Shaukat Ali Kashmiri Condemns Pakistan’s Actions in PoJK

UKPNP Chairman Shaukat Ali Kashmiri Condemns Pakistan’s Actions in PoJK

UKPNP Chairman Shaukat Ali Kashmiri Condemns Pakistan’s Actions in PoJK

In a recent press conference held in Leeds, UK, the United Kashmir Peoples National Party (UKPNP) leadership, led by Chairman Shaukat Ali Kashmiri, strongly criticized Pakistan for its treatment of residents in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK). Kashmiri accused Pakistan of fabricating charges against UKPNP leaders and activists from PoJK.

During the conference, Kashmiri stated, “We know that those who demand social rights in Pakistan, raise voices against atrocities, and talk about regional development are tortured and labeled as traitors. If this is the cost, we are traitors.” He condemned the authorities for using deceptive tactics to suppress sovereignty and denying basic democratic rights and infrastructure to the people.

Kashmiri further claimed that Pakistan cannot justify its harsh policies and often resorts to religious orders and blame games against activists. He highlighted the radicalization within Pakistan, stating, “Pakistan has made its people so radicalized that they are ready to kill each other in the name of religion. Those who resist and demand rights are often raided and tortured.”

Doubts Revealed

UKPNP -: UKPNP stands for United Kashmir Peoples National Party. It is a political party that focuses on the rights and issues of people in the Kashmir region.

Shaukat Ali Kashmiri -: Shaukat Ali Kashmiri is the Chairman of the United Kashmir Peoples National Party. He is a leader who speaks out about the issues faced by people in the Kashmir region.

PoJK -: PoJK stands for Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. It refers to the part of the Jammu and Kashmir region that is administered by Pakistan.

Leeds, UK -: Leeds is a city in the United Kingdom. It is where Shaukat Ali Kashmiri held his press conference.

Radicalization -: Radicalization is the process by which people come to adopt extreme political, social, or religious beliefs. In this context, it refers to the influence of extreme ideas in Pakistan.

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