Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar Speaks on Religious Conversion and Sanatana Dharma in Jaipur

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar Speaks on Religious Conversion and Sanatana Dharma in Jaipur

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar Speaks on Religious Conversion and Sanatana Dharma in Jaipur

On Thursday, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar addressed the issue of religious conversion, describing it as against national values and constitutional principles. He spoke at the ‘Hindu Spiritual and Service Fair’ in Jaipur, Rajasthan, highlighting that a ‘sugar-coated philosophy’ is being used to target vulnerable sections of society.

Religious Conversion as a Planned Conspiracy

Dhankhar emphasized that religious conversion is happening through policy, institutionally, and as part of a planned conspiracy. He stated, ‘Sanatana never spreads poison; it channels its own powers. This is happening through policy, institutionally, and in a planned conspiracy, and that is a religious conversion!’

He expressed concern over the targeting of vulnerable sections of society, particularly tribal communities, through temptations and lures. Dhankhar called for vigilance and swift action to neutralize these forces.

Nationalism and Patriotism

The Vice President also spoke about the forces active in fragmenting India and the need for vigilance. He questioned the strength of India’s democracy and emphasized that the values enshrined in the Constitution reflect the essence of Sanatana Dharma, which he described as all-inclusive and the only way forward for humanity.

Sanatana Dharma and Indian Culture

Dhankhar highlighted the ancient and rich Indian culture, which preserves its all-encompassing nature, pure traditions, and life-affirming beliefs. He noted that Indian society has historically supported others in distress, even at the cost of personal hardship, and this spirit of service was evident during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Protection of All Living Beings and Nature

He emphasized that Hinduism speaks not only of humanity but also of the protection of all living beings and nature. Dhankhar described Hinduism as quintessentially inclusive and noted that it extends to the welfare of all living beings on the planet.

India’s Role in Addressing Global Challenges

Dhankhar concluded by emphasizing India’s unique role in addressing pressing global challenges, particularly climate change. He noted that India’s philosophy is being adopted by the world and that if the world had listened to India’s teachings, climate change could have been prevented.

Doubts Revealed

Vice President -: The Vice President is the second-highest official in India, after the President. He helps in running the country and takes over if the President can’t do their job.

Jagdeep Dhankhar -: Jagdeep Dhankhar is the current Vice President of India. He helps in making important decisions for the country.

Religious Conversion -: Religious conversion means changing from one religion to another. For example, if someone who is Hindu decides to become Christian, that is a religious conversion.

Sanatana Dharma -: Sanatana Dharma is another name for Hinduism. It means ‘eternal duty’ and refers to the ancient and traditional practices of Hinduism.

Jaipur -: Jaipur is a city in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is also known as the ‘Pink City’ because many of its buildings are pink.

Hindu Spiritual and Service Fair -: This is an event where people come together to learn about Hindu spirituality and how to serve the community. It includes talks, exhibitions, and activities related to Hindu culture.

Rajasthan -: Rajasthan is a state in the northwestern part of India. It is known for its deserts, palaces, and rich history.

National values -: National values are the important beliefs and principles that a country holds dear. In India, these include unity, respect for all religions, and democracy.

Constitutional principles -: These are the rules and ideas written in the Constitution of India, which is the highest law of the land. It includes things like freedom of speech and equality for all citizens.

Planned conspiracy -: A planned conspiracy means a secret plan made by a group of people to do something harmful or illegal. In this context, it refers to a secret plan to convert people from one religion to another.

Vulnerable sections of society -: These are groups of people who are more likely to face problems or harm, like the poor, children, or elderly. They need extra help and protection.

Indian culture -: Indian culture includes the traditions, languages, festivals, and customs of people living in India. It is very diverse and rich.

Global challenges -: These are big problems that affect the whole world, like climate change, poverty, and diseases. Countries need to work together to solve them.

Climate change -: Climate change means the Earth’s climate is getting warmer because of pollution and other human activities. It can cause problems like more extreme weather and rising sea levels.

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