Good Monsoon Rains Help Indian Farmers Plant More Crops in 2024

Good Monsoon Rains Help Indian Farmers Plant More Crops in 2024

Good Monsoon Rains Help Indian Farmers Plant More Crops in 2024

Above-normal monsoon rains in India have helped farmers plant more crops this Kharif season, which is good news for agriculture. Rating agency ICRA says that the growth of agriculture, forestry, and fishing will improve to 3.2% in the financial year 2024-25 from 1.4% in 2023-24.

Traditionally, Indian agriculture relies heavily on monsoon rains. After a weak start in June 2024, the rains picked up in July and August, leading to a cumulative rainfall that was 7% above the Long Period Average by the end of August 2024. This surplus rain has helped increase Kharif sowing by 2.2%.

Farmers have planted crops across 1,096.65 lakh hectares so far, compared to 1,072.94 lakh hectares last year. Crops like paddy, pulses, oilseeds, millets, and sugarcane have seen higher sowing, while cotton and jute/mesta have been lower.

India has three cropping seasons: Summer, Kharif, and Rabi. Kharif crops are sown during June-July and harvested in October-November. Rabi crops are sown in October-November and harvested from January. Summer crops are produced between Rabi and Kharif.

Reservoir storage across India has also risen from 20% of live capacity at the end of June 2024 to 80% at the end of August 2024, thanks to the excess rainfall. This will help the upcoming Rabi crop season and support timely sowing.

Doubts Revealed

Monsoon -: Monsoon is a seasonal wind that brings heavy rains, especially in India. It usually happens from June to September.

Kharif season -: Kharif season is the farming season in India that starts with the onset of the monsoon and ends in October. Farmers plant crops like rice and pulses during this time.

ICRA -: ICRA is a company that gives ratings to businesses and sectors. It helps people understand how well a business or sector is doing.

GVA -: GVA stands for Gross Value Addition. It measures the value of goods and services produced in an area, industry, or sector of an economy.

Paddy -: Paddy is another word for rice when it is still in the field or just harvested. It is a very important crop in India.

Pulses -: Pulses are seeds like lentils, beans, and peas. They are a good source of protein and are commonly eaten in India.

Oilseeds -: Oilseeds are seeds used to make oil, like mustard seeds and sunflower seeds. They are important for cooking and other uses.

Millets -: Millets are small grains like ragi and bajra. They are healthy and grow well in dry areas.

Sugarcane -: Sugarcane is a tall plant that is used to make sugar. It grows well in warm and wet climates.

Reservoir storage -: Reservoir storage means the amount of water stored in large tanks or lakes. This water is used for farming, drinking, and other needs.

Rabi season -: Rabi season is the farming season in India that starts in November and ends in April. Farmers plant crops like wheat and barley during this time.

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