Taiwan Seeks Help from China to Find Missing Man Kuo Yu-hsuan

Taiwan Seeks Help from China to Find Missing Man Kuo Yu-hsuan

Missing Man Kuo Yu-hsuan: Taiwan Seeks China’s Help

The Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) has formally reached out to China for details about a 22-year-old man named Kuo Yu-hsuan, who disappeared shortly after arriving in Shanghai last month.

Details of the Disappearance

Kuo Yu-hsuan communicated with his family upon his safe arrival in Shanghai on August 27, 2024. However, they have not heard from him since. Kuo had planned to travel to Hefei in Anhui province. After failing to reach him, Kuo’s family posted missing person notices online and reported him missing to the authorities.

Family’s Concerns

Kuo’s sister expressed deep concerns, fearing he might have been coerced into labor by a fraud ring or abducted. The SEF has informed its Chinese counterpart, the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS), but has yet to receive a response.

Background Information

Chung Shan Industrial and Commercial School in Kaohsiung confirmed that Kuo was a former student who graduated about four years ago. Kuo’s disappearance follows a similar incident involving a Formosa Plastics Group executive who also failed to return home from China.

Warnings and Guidelines

The Mainland Affairs Council has previously warned Taiwanese travelers to be cautious about their behavior and statements while in China. In June, Chinese authorities released ’22 Guidelines’ threatening severe penalties, including the death penalty, against those identified as active supporters of Taiwan independence. Taiwan condemned these threats as vague and excessive.

Doubts Revealed

Taiwan -: Taiwan is an island near China. It has its own government and is known for its technology and beautiful landscapes.

China -: China is a large country in Asia, known for its long history, the Great Wall, and being the most populated country in the world.

Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) -: The Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) is an organization in Taiwan that helps manage relations and communication with China.

Kuo Yu-hsuan -: Kuo Yu-hsuan is a young man from Taiwan who went missing after he traveled to Shanghai, a big city in China.

Shanghai -: Shanghai is a very large and famous city in China, known for its tall buildings and busy streets.

coerced -: Coerced means being forced to do something against your will, often through threats or pressure.

abducted -: Abducted means being taken away by force, like being kidnapped.

Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) -: The Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) is an organization in China that helps manage relations and communication with Taiwan.

Formosa Plastics Group -: Formosa Plastics Group is a big company from Taiwan that makes plastic products and other materials.

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