Niaz Baloch Highlights Humanitarian Crisis in Balochistan at UN Human Rights Council

Niaz Baloch Highlights Humanitarian Crisis in Balochistan at UN Human Rights Council

Niaz Baloch Highlights Humanitarian Crisis in Balochistan at UN Human Rights Council

Geneva, Switzerland – Niaz Baloch, a central committee member of the Baloch National Movement, spoke at the United Nations 57th Human Rights Council’s general debate about the severe humanitarian crisis in Balochistan, Pakistan.

Ignored Human Rights Violations

Niaz Baloch, who is also the Deputy Coordinator of the Baloch National Movement’s foreign department, criticized human rights organizations for ignoring the worsening situation in Balochistan. He stated, “I want to bring this counsel’s attention to the crisis that has long been neglected by the international community, the resistance in Balochistan. This region which is filled with rich history and culture is now facing some of the worst human rights abuses in the modern world.”

Historical Context

He explained that since the forced annexation of Balochistan in 1948, the Baloch people have faced systematic state oppression and brutality by the Pakistani state. Their basic human rights are routinely violated. Recently, the Baloch Yakjehti Committee organized a civil movement advocating for the safe release of Baloch missing persons, which has become the target of severe state crackdowns.

Recent Crackdowns

Referring to a recent crackdown by Pakistani defense forces on demonstrators in Gwadar, Niaz Baloch said, “When peaceful demonstrators gathered in Gwadar for the Baloch Raaji Muchi, or national gathering, on 28 July 2024, they were met with violence. The security forces killed three innocent Baloch youths, wounded many others, and used tear gas and live ammunition to disperse protesters. In Talar, participants were held by the Frontier Corps for over a week without food and water.”

Targeting of Students

Niaz Baloch also highlighted the targeting of Baloch students and student leaders by Pakistan’s defense forces. He claimed, “Many Baloch political student organizations are being harshly targeted by the state simply for advocating for the self-determination of Baloch people. The Baloch national movement has been subjected to an unofficial ban, and its leaders, including Chairman Ghulam Ahmad Baloch, have been tragically killed.”

Doubts Revealed

Niaz Baloch -: Niaz Baloch is a person who is part of a group called the Baloch National Movement. He talks about problems happening in Balochistan.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in Pakistan where many people live. It has been facing many problems for a long time.

UN Human Rights Council -: The UN Human Rights Council is a group of countries that come together to talk about and solve problems where people’s rights are being hurt.

Humanitarian Crisis -: A humanitarian crisis is a big problem where many people are suffering because they don’t have enough food, water, or safety.

Baloch National Movement -: The Baloch National Movement is a group that wants to help the people of Balochistan and make sure their voices are heard.

Annexation -: Annexation means when one country takes control of another area or region. Balochistan was taken over by Pakistan in 1948.

Systematic State Oppression -: Systematic state oppression means the government is doing things in an organized way to make life hard for certain people.

Violent Crackdowns -: Violent crackdowns are when the government uses force to stop people from protesting or speaking out.

Peaceful Demonstrators -: Peaceful demonstrators are people who protest or show their opinions without using violence.

Targeting of Baloch Students and Leaders -: Targeting of Baloch students and leaders means that the government is specifically going after and causing trouble for students and leaders from Balochistan.

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